Grade 1 Area

Mrs Amy Gagliardi, Ms Emily Giliam and Ms Elizabeth Higham and Mrs Sarah Castellas

Over the past two weeks, students in Year 1 have used a range of concrete materials to explore and express numbers. In particular, we have been building our understanding of place value by using these maths tools to create 'tens' (i.e. bundles of 10 icy-pole sticks or sticks of 10 unifix blocks) and 'ones,' as well as playing maths games and solving problems. 

Lizzy and Sienna making tens from unifix blocks.
Zoe, Margot and Evie working together to find an efficient way to count 50 unifix.
Ahmed writing and drawing numbers from least to greatest.
1A students playing 'Race to 100'.
Rayva using bundle sticks and unifix to make numbers.
1A students discussing efficient ways to show 20 blocks.
Lizzy and Sienna making tens from unifix blocks.
Zoe, Margot and Evie working together to find an efficient way to count 50 unifix.
Ahmed writing and drawing numbers from least to greatest.
1A students playing 'Race to 100'.
Rayva using bundle sticks and unifix to make numbers.
1A students discussing efficient ways to show 20 blocks.


With sincere apologies, please find below the Ready to Learn photos that were omitted from the Week 2 newsletter!

Lizzy and Thomas displaying team work!
Rayva and Fatima displaying team work!
1A's positive intentions for 2024.
1A learning to use and understand the Zones of Regulation.
Thomas, Margot and Zoe testing out playdough as a calming strategy.
Fatima and Alvina testing out building as a calming strategy.
Zoe and Margot showing team work!
1B students sharing their learning about the school value of Responsibility.
1B students sharing their learning about the school value of Responsibility.
1B students sharing their learning about the school value of Responsibility.
1B students sharing their learning about the school value of Responsibility.
1B enjoying some outdoor games!
Lizzy and Thomas displaying team work!
Rayva and Fatima displaying team work!
1A's positive intentions for 2024.
1A learning to use and understand the Zones of Regulation.
Thomas, Margot and Zoe testing out playdough as a calming strategy.
Fatima and Alvina testing out building as a calming strategy.
Zoe and Margot showing team work!
1B students sharing their learning about the school value of Responsibility.
1B students sharing their learning about the school value of Responsibility.
1B students sharing their learning about the school value of Responsibility.
1B students sharing their learning about the school value of Responsibility.
1B enjoying some outdoor games!