Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef and Mrs Josie Stocchero

The Prep students have continued to settle into school well and have really adapted to the routines and expectations of school well. The Prep students have begun home reading and their set words. It has been fantastic to see so many students grow in confidence and expand their friendship circle.

What have we been up to?

In Maths, we have been investigating different forms of measurement. This week we began looking at inform ways to measure the length of an item. We used streamers to measure the height of out peers and then blocks/counters to measure our height in another way. 

In Reading, we have now established our classroom libraries and sorted books into different categories and chosen books that are 'just right' and engaging for us. Our next step will be to begin our Guided Reading sessions which will begin next week. We have also explored popular nursery rhymes and songs, copying the pattern, finding the words that rhyme and copying actions. We have looked at the behaviours of a 'real' reader vs a 'fake' reader and have all demonstrated that we are 'real' readers. 


Unfortunately we did have to post pone the first PMP session this week due to the extreme 40 degree heat. However, we hope that the weather will be a bit nicer next week and we will be able to to have some fun!