Junior School Council & Engagement 

Mr James Gagliardi & Miss Ansons

On Monday the 12th of February, the Junior School Council, School and House Captains participated in a ‘Student Leadership Day.’ Throughout the day, students engaged in a range of activities and discussions to empower them with the skills and confidence to be the best leader they can be. 


A variety of games and activities were played, to demonstrate to students that by sharing the workload and working to their strengths, in a supportive and encouraging environment, they can achieve a great deal.

The interactive activities aimed to reinforce the importance of communication, and strong and respectful relationships.

The JSC meeting protocols and guide was reviewed by the students. The students talked about how they wanted their meetings to run and the expectations of meetings. 


Sammi 5/6A- it made me feel confident knowing I have a team of students supporting each other and working together.


Ollie 2A - I liked hanging out with the big kids and having chips and zopper coopers for lunch


Ayisha 5/6B - I really enjoyed learning about different ways to succeed and I felt safe and comfortable talking openly.


Sammy 1C - I liked when we worked together on the Chromebooks to sort the things a leader does and doesn't do


Soumaya 3/4A - I liked when Miss Ansons encouraged me to talk out loud infant of infant of a crowd


Zayd 5/6A - I really enjoyed encouraging and supporting the younger students in the school learn new skills and voice their opinion

Miss Ansons and Mr Gagliardi would like to thank all the School Leaders and JSC Leaders for their enthusiasm and hard work throughout the day. We walked away being incredibly impressed by the input and ideas given from all of our leaders, both junior and senior.

We are very excited for 2024!