
Team Spirit is Our Competitive Edge

McAuley House Reps 2024

The College Swimming Carnival takes place on Tuesday 5th March. McAuley House conducted our first House Meeting for 2024. Year Level House Reps were announced and presented with their badges, green hats and pom poms. The theme for 2024 in McAuley House is "Winning through participation". The role of the House reps will be to encourage as many students from their year level to participate in the swimming events on the day. 


Congratulations to the following students on their election to the Year Level House Rep role for McAuley in 2024. 

Year 7 Olivia Nikolarakos 

Year 8 Eliza Cowie 

Year 9 Eliza Leech 

Year 10 Zara Fox 

Year 11 Olivia Portelli 

House Captain Year 12 Violet Cowie


Mr Eddie Mercieca
