A note from Mr Jackson

Come Along to Friday’s FORPS Relaxed Picnic

Our FORPS evening picnic is a time to celebrate the entry into the new year. It is a time to connect with other families and a gentle way to meet others. A special thanks to TheirCare for their sponsorship of the evening. Their generosity has reduced prices and ensured an affordable evening for all. There will be a range of sports equipment available and some creative activities for children. Come and enjoy a sausage and drink or bring our own picnic. Don’t forget a rug, it looks like a very pleasant evening.


Travelling Home – Road Safety Message

I encourage students and parents to ensure the safety of all by crossing at the crossings staffed in the morning and afternoon periods. We are fortunate to receive the support of our local Council that provides a supervised safe crossing zone during the busiest times of the school day. 


I also encourage parents to adhere to the local parking restrictions at all times. This includes in the areas of Victoria St, Grandview Grove, Davies Street and Bellevue Avenue. A reminder that parents should not leave their cars at the ‘Kiss and Go’ zone on Grandview Grove. Strict time limits are in place.


School Readiness Evening: Kinder and Prep Parent Invitation

A special invitation to our prep parents to join us on Wednesday 13 March between 7:00pm to 9:00pm to explore the importance of Literacy 

and Numeracy in the Early Years. Our Prep teachers will guide discussions and experiences that provide practical ways to shape numerous, curious and literate learners. Have a chat with our teaching team to learn more or register your presence on try booking on



The Importance of Attendance

Daily school attendance is important for all children to succeed in education and to ensure they don't fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children and young people who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 or an equivalent qualification have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. It is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age.


School participation is important as it maximises life opportunities for children and young people by providing them with education and support networks. School helps people to develop important skills, knowledge and values which set them up for further learning and participation in their community.


Conversely, limited school participation is associated with a greater chance of dropping out of school, disruptive and delinquent behaviour and may lead to a cycle of rebellion against authority. These outcomes have later implications for employment, a range of health risk behaviours (drug and alcohol abuse), homelessness, poverty, welfare dependence, and involvement in the justice system. 


We’re always working towards having students maintain a full attendance record. Ensuring our attendance information on Compass is accurate and up to date allows us to target resources to support student attendance. I encourage all parents to ensure that any absences that are ‘unexplained’ are updated with appropriate reasons in a timely manner.


Consider Joining Us for Morning Tea with the Principals!

Last year at this time we were preparing for the Strategic Plan Review. As part of the preparation, we invited parents to offer their reflections on our community. It was an important opportunity to shape our current strategic plan and collaborate as we set our direction for our next four years.


This year, we are eager to provide our parents and carers another opportunity to share their experiences in a ‘Morning Tea with the Principals’.  We hope to make this a safe place to celebrate what we continue to achieve at Rosanna Primary and consider ways to continue to improve and enhance our learning community. If you would like to share in this experience you are encouraged to register your place at https://www.trybooking.com/CPTAF


If you need support in registering your attendance please do not hesitate to contact the school office.


Student Leadership Day Report

I encourage you to take the time to review and reflect on the experiences of the School Leaders when they attended the National Leaders Day event in the city. Last week they gave a valuable presentation at the assembly. The report is included in the newsletter and well worth the read.