Student Awards

Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep G | Eloise | Respectful Learner | Eloise has been a fantastic respectful learner these past few weeks of school. She always has her listening on and is wonderful and following directions and supporting her classmates to do the right thing. Well done Eloise! |
Prep V | Jemima | Respectful | Since the start of the school year, Jemima has consistently shown that she is a respectful learner. She always comes to school ready to learn, listens to everyone when they are talking and shows respect for both people and classroom resources. Well done Jemima! |
Junior A | Kabo | Resilient | Showing fantastic determination and resilience towards his learning this term. He has embraced every learning opportunity, never giving up when faced with a challenge and always seeking help when he needs it. Well done Kabo! |
Junior G | Marco | Responsible | Marco you have had an amazing start to year 1! You are such a thoughtful and helpful class member. You were the first to stop what you were doing and help your peers create their Valentines Day cards. You are a bright and friendly member of Junior G and we are so lucky to have you! |
Middle M | Leo | Responsible | For stepping up and taking on a position of responsibility during an unexpected incident. Leo is a natural leader and showed this when he helped manage an emergency situation during a time of high stress. Well done Leo! |
Middle T | Arya | Responsible | For being a responsible helper, friend and learner. Arya can always be counted on to assist her teachers and classmates. It has been fantastic to see Arya completing her work and seeking teacher feedback. She has settled in so well to the Middles learning community and set a great example to others. Well done Arya! |
Middle J | Billie | Responsible | For being an exceptionally helpful and responsible member of Middle J at all points of the day. You have shown impressive maturity in your learning this year as you tackle tasks on time and stay focused throughout. I am also thankful I can rely on you to help out with extra jobs to keep our classroom clean and organised. Well done Billie! |
Senior B | Samantha | Respectful | For always demonstrating respectful listening and engaging in respectful interactions in the classroom. Samantha embodies our school values and can always be relied upon to be a positive role model for her classmates. Keep it up Samantha, you are a valued member of Senior B! |
Senior O | Birch | Respectful | For joining our school community with a positive attitude and making an effort to show kindness to all members of our class. You can always be relied on to lend a hand when needed and display such beautiful manners while doing so. Well done Birch! |
Visual Arts | Mary | Pro-active learner | For being a wonderfully responsible addition to our school and to our Art community. Mary has worked creatively and independently during her Art lessons so far, listens to task directions carefully and always shows a responsible attitude towards looking after our resources and caring for our Art Room equipment. Well done Mary and keep up the fabulous effort. |
Performing Arts | Elise | Resilient Learner | For taking on a challenging solo verse in, ‘When I Grow Up’ as part of our Choir performance. Elise showed resilience and commitment, as well as setting an excellent example for our younger members. Thank you Elise for your determination & for sharing your beautiful voice with us! |
PE | Middle M | Sports STARS | Middle M have been Sports STARS by demonstrating Safety, Teamwork, Attitude, Respect and Sportsmanship. Keep up the great work! |
Digital Technologies | Middle T | Respectful Learner | Their great listening skills, taking it in turns to share their ideas and getting started on their learning tasks immediately. Always such a delight to teach!
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep G | Wolfie | Proactive Learner | Wolfie has been a fantastic proactive learner this week. He regularly takes initiative with his learning and is always looking for ways to confidently approach challenges at school. Way to go, Wolfie!
Prep V | Oscar | Proactive Learner | Oscar comes to school ready to learn and shows enthusiasm when tackling new learning experiences. He is curious about learning and gives everything his best effort. Well Done Oscar!
Junior A | Lillian | Curious | Lillian has shown great curiosity towards her learning all term. She is always asking questions and seeking extra information. Lillian contributed thoughtful ideas during our ‘See, Think, Wonder’ creative writing task. Great work, Lillian! |
Junior G | Nicolas | Curious | Nicolas, you have shown amazing curiosity in maths this week. You sought out a challenge and didn’t give up when it got tricky. It is so great to see you so excited about your learning. Keep it up, Nicolas! |
Middle M | Yasmin | Curious | Yasmin has been a very curious learner this week. She showed great curiosity in her maths learning, exploring the concept of rounding through discussions and additional activities outside of set learning sessions. Well done, Yasi! |
Middle T | Mary | Collaborative | After participating in many different group-work tasks in the past two weeks, Mary has proven herself to be a fantastic collaborative learner. Her willingness to share her ideas, assist others, stay focused and listen respectfully to her classmates has made her an asset to any team! Keep it up! |
Middle J | Luca | Proactive | For the impressive discipline and can-do attitude you demonstrated in Maths this past week. You tackled addition and subtraction problems with familiar mental strategies and pushed yourself to represent your thinking in new ways. Great work Luca and keep it up! |
Senior B | Damian | Creative | For your creativity and enthusiasm with your writing seed. It has been fantastic to see all your ideas flow for your narrative and I can’t wait to read it! I am so proud of how far you've come with your positive attitude to writing. Keep up the great work, Damian! |
Senior O | Zahra | Proactive | For taking initiative when it comes to your learning by regularly seeking feedback and taking on challenges with a fantastic mindset. You always put your best effort into all learning tasks, particularly in Writing while creating a narrative. Well done Zahra! |
Visual Arts | Prep G and V | Creative Leaners | Both Prep classes have been extraordinary in the Art room. They listen carefully to lots of instructions and have created some gorgeous things so far. I love seeing their eager faces every lesson and love how they are so willing to try new things. Congratulations to all our lovely Preps |
Performing Arts | Biagio | Proactive Learner | Biagio has embraced all aspects of Performing Arts with purposeful positivity and willingness to give everything a go. He has taken risks, made strong choices and given his all to tasks that lie outside his comfort zone. I am so proud of you Biagio, thank you for being YOU! |
PE | Xavier | Sports STAR | Xavier has been a Sports STAR by demonstrating Safety, Teamwork, Attitude, Respect and Sportsmanship. Keep up the great work! |