NEWSLETTER 5 March 2024
NEWSLETTER 5 March 2024
Dear Families,
I cannot believe that we are already in Week Six, and that summer has ended and Autumn is upon us. Please remember that children are still required to wear a hat (even though summer has ended) at recess and lunchtime. We ask that children wear the school hat that can be purchased from the school office.
I would like to thank the parents who contributed to our closure day last Monday. The focus of the closure day was to work on a new school vision, and it was great to have input from all stakeholders - children, parents/carers and staff. I would like to extend my thanks to those families who were unable to attend the event but still provided their valuable feedback via email or the Google form. The day was hugely successful and our draft vision statement is currently being refined and detailed by Jessamy Gee, the graphic artist working with us on this project. I look forward to sharing this with the school community once completed.
SRC 2024
Each year one student from each class is nominated and voted into the role of class SRC rep. by their peers. SRC members work democratically to represent the student body in school decision-making and organise ways for students' voices to be heard and to participate in and enjoy school life.
The SRC meet on a regular basis with me and/or Kate. The core business of the SRC is to:
Congratulations to the following children who have been elected by their peers to represent their class on the School Representative Council:
In line with Government regulations and guidelines all mobile devices are to be handed into the office at the beginning of the school day. All devices will be kept in the office and returned to students at the end of the day. This includes any wearable devices where notifications are switched on and messages can be received or sent. These devices can cause distraction to student learning and detract from a conducive learning environment. Like any valuable device, we prefer that they not be brought to school for fear of damage or loss.
If parents/carers need to contact your child throughout a school day, this can be done via the school office.
This term we introduced a 'soft start' where children have the option of moving straight into their classrooms at 8:30am, or playing in the school-yard until the bell rings at 8:45am.
We have since had to make a slight change to these times. The school entrance doors on the ramp, and the double glass doors will now be locked until 8:35am, at which point the children can move to their classrooms if so desired. This change is based on the current EBA and its impact on teacher's face-to-face classroom hours.
We have an increasing number of students who are arriving at school very early in the morning - commencing at around 8:00am. Before 8:30am, there is no teacher present in the yard to handle accidents or injuries. Please, if you have to drop your child/children off
at school early, please book them into Leapkids before school care programme. Leapkids will provide the children with breakfast and supervise them until 8:30 when a teacher is on yard-duty and it is safe for them to play in the school-yard.
You may have noticed that our yellow 'Friendship Chair' has been looking rather sad and dilapidated of late. I'd like to send out a huge THANK YOU to Tim Goldsmith who picked up the chair yesterday and has overnight, miraculously restored it to it's former glory!
From this... to this!!!
The National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing period will be held from Wednesday 13th March - Monday 25th March. There are four test components: Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. It has been developed by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
NAPLAN is a national test administered by each state, to students of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It is designed to be an annual assessment of learning where data is collected on both a state and national level.
A letter that includes the dates for each test, as well as an information fact sheet for parents will be distributed to the Year 3 and Year 5 parents closer to the date.
Our teachers strive to create a comfortable testing environment for our students and minimise anxiety. If you are discussing NAPLAN with your child and they are feeling anxious or nervous, please inform your child's teacher. Also, reassure your child that these tests are designed to gather data and not solely to judge them as learners.
SCHOOL TOURS - PREP 2025 - We have received significant interest in our Prep 2025 intake. School tours began last year and are continuing with great gusto this term. Please let family and friends with children ready to start school, know that they can contact our office to book a tour.
SIBLING ENROLMENTS FOR 2025 - Please enrol your child as soon as possible so we can determine how many places will be available to new families in 2025. Collect your enrolment forms from the school office.
We’re very excited to announce that we will be holding a St Joseph’s Colour Run on 8th March 2024! This event will run in the afternoon from 1pm until 3:15pm. The Colour Run will be one of our major fundraising events for the year with all proceeds going towards upgrading the rubber surface in the undercroft and front gate area.
Click on the link below or scan the QR code to make a donation.