From the Prefects

Ed Southwell and Halle Doyle, Head Prefects

Hello Families of Kinross Wolaroi School, 


The Kinross community has been very busy over the past week with both the Country Fair and the school's Semester 1 Wellbeing Day. As Year 12 students we have the privilege to experience these days in and amongst the students, as well as having a fresh perspective on the activities we complete. 

The Fair

We were both fortunate enough to be working on the gates at the Country Fair, granting us the opportunity meet and interact with the community. We thoroughly enjoyed not only meeting and talking with existing members of the Kinross Wolaroi community, but also welcoming people that were new or visiting the School. The Fair was an excellent opportunity for people to create new connections within our School community, including the leadership team which were helping throughout the day. We hope you had time to try out the rides, visit all of the stalls and gauge what Kinross Wolaroi, and our community has to offer. 


We would like to thank the students, parents, and friends who helped by working at the various stalls, ensuring the day was a big success.


We would like to extend our thanks, not only from us but from the whole student cohort to those who made the fair possible. Thank you to our teachers and the P&F committee who made Saturday a great day for all. 

Wellbeing Day

Last Thursday, the senior school engaged in another Wellbeing Day. All year groups had the opportunity to complete age specific activities such as yoga, a talk from Bright Girl, capture the flag, healthy relationships and much more! As Year 12 students we had the privilege of visiting the maze in between Orange and Bathurst. It was a great activity for us to reflect on the challenges we have faced and build resilience for future adversity. 

From the Deputy Prefects 

Charlie Henson and Nina Smedley have provided this commentary on our Leadership Team's recent initiatives regarding student behaviour:


As we progress through Term One, the Prefect Team aims to place emphasis on maintaining our high standards. We can sustain these by ensuring everyone’s uniform is neat and tidy, the correct jewellery is worn, hats are worn during recess and lunchtime, blazers are worn at assembly, shirts are tucked in with top buttons up, and hair is neat and appropriate. This is the first year with all students in the new uniform, so please help us in demonstrating this beautiful uniform by wearing it correctly and with pride. 


Clean up Australia Day

Finally, Kinross Wolaroi has just participated in National Clean Up Australia Day and our grounds are looking fantastic! Thank you to everyone for getting behind that! 


Let’s keep it this way and ensure any litter is placed in the bins and lost property is placed in the correct areas. We have such a gorgeous school, and such a dedicated Grounds staff, and through picking up rubbish and respecting our common areas, we can express our gratitude. 


Half way there!

Congratulations to everyone for reaching the halfway point of Term 1, it has been a jam-packed term so far and we can’t wait to see what else it brings. We are sure that as we reach the pointy end of the term, the workload will pick up. We encourage all students to make sure they are on top of not only their schoolwork, but also their personal wellbeing.