Classroom learning

Year 1/2 Term 4
As we head towards the end of the year, we would like to reflect on the learning and fun that we’ve had this term.
In Reading, we have been focusing on morphemes and word structures. We explored base words, their meanings, and the prefixes and suffixes that can modify them. We have also been using decodable readers to help us identify different sounds that words can make and improve our reading fluency and stamina.
In Writing, we have focused on building our Writer’s Notebook skills. This involves using many different picture prompts to provide us with a ‘seed’ or idea. We use these ideas to help us brainstorm different texts that could be written about that prompt and then we get writing! Having a book of these ideas is fantastic as it helps us come up with ideas when we are stuck and also allows us to try out types of writing that we are not as confident with. We have also been continuing to improve our handwriting in preparation for Years 2 and 3.
In Mathematics, we have focussed on fractions, data collection and location. We are currently exploring time. This involves reading and using calendars and, everybody’s favourite, reading analogue clock faces!
Once these units are finished, we will be ending the term with a revision of key topics.
In Inquiry, we have been learning about robots. We have identified the different roles that robots play in our lives, explored the basics of coding, and designed and built a robot prototype out of cardboard and crafting materials. The robots we designed across the cohort had many purposes, from entertainment to fashion to rescue to performing household chores. Our design and creativity knew no bounds!
Religious Education
In Religious Education, we began the term focusing on the history of Holy Rosary School and Catherine McAuley in preparation for Holy Rosary Day. We are currently exploring the season of Advent in the lead up to Christmas. We know that Advent is a special time to prepare for the coming of Jesus by spreading hope, peace, love and joy to others and we would like to thank those that have been able to donate toward the Kensington Vinnies hampers.
Outdoor Ed Program
By far the biggest excitement this term has been the Outdoor Ed Program. This program was a lot of fun for both year levels. The Year 1s stayed at school for a STEM incursion that involved driving billy karts, constructing scooters, and designing and testing different vehicles to see which went farthest.
The Year 2s caught the train to Archie Brothers in Docklands and had an amazing time bowling and playing arcade games.
The Year 1s specifically would like to thank the Year 2s for getting stuck in traffic on the way home and allowing us to have first dibs on the pizza and juice boxes.
That’s a wrap for Year 1/2 2024, thanks for being a part of it, and we can’t wait to see what 2025 brings!
Lauren, Pat and Sam