Principal's Message

Dear Endeavour Hills Specialist School community members, 


Welcome Back to a New School Year!


We are excited to welcome you to the start of another fantastic school year! Whether you are returning or joining us for the first time, we are thrilled to have you as part of our school community. This year promises to be filled with new opportunities for learning, growth, and success.


What’s New This Year? We have been working hard over the summer to prepare for an engaging and enriching year. Here are a few highlights:

  • New Staff Members – We are delighted to welcome several new teachers and staff who bring fresh ideas and expertise to our school.
  • Updated Curriculum – We continue to enhance our curriculum to ensure that students are receiving the best education possible.
  • Enrolment numbers – We currently have 288 students enrolled. This is an increase of 60 students from 2024. With so many new students we are refining many of our process to accommodate the new students and families.

Important Dates to Remember

  • SSG Week 3: Monday 10th March – Friday 14th March. Please book a time with your child’s teacher via the Compass app
  • Labour Day Public Holiday: Monday March 10th. School closed
  • Last day of Term 1 2025: Friday 4th April 2025. Students finish at 2.00pm

Safety in the Carpark and at student handover points. Ensuring the safety of our students during drop-off and pick-up times is a top priority. We kindly ask all parents and guardians to follow designated traffic patterns, adhere to speed limits, and use the appropriate drop-off zones. Please be patient and courteous to others to ensure a smooth and safe experience for everyone. If walking, always use the crosswalks and encourage your children to stay aware of their surroundings. Please be patient as we refine our processes


Communication with Teachers: We use the Compass and Seesaw platforms to communicate with you and share what your child has been learning. We encourage you to send messages to your child’s teacher via Compass. Teachers will check messages and emails during their preparation times, please send messages well in advance if you require a response. Phone calls will not be put through to classrooms during learning time. As always if the matter is urgent, please phone the school administration office and they will assist you.


School Values: Our school value is “Be Kind: to yourself, to others, and the environment. Our staff follow this value when working with your children and with you. We ask that you show the same values in return. We understand that the new school year is very busy with lots of changes and new processes and ask that you be patient as we establish routines.


We look forward to a wonderful year ahead, filled with learning, friendships, and achievement. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Let’s make this year the best one yet!



Karen Hunt