News from the Deputy Principal

Dear Families,
Can you believe how quickly time flies? It only seems like yesterday that we were beginning the year, and already, we are ready to prepare for the Christmas holidays. It has once again been a jam-packed year with lots of wonderful experiences.
In my two classroom roles this year, it has been wonderful to see the changes that have developed in the confidence and determination of the Foundations. They are indeed amazing learners and are so excited to be going into year 1 next year. My other group is the year 3/4 students. Every year I love to see how much they grow in their learning and development of their personalities and it seems like only yesterday they were my little foundations. Next year I hope to visit many classrooms and have the opportunity to teach across the school in some capacity.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all families for their support this year for me in my role as Learning Diversity Leader, Classroom Teacher and Deputy Principal. All three roles are demanding and rewarding in different ways and it has always been my pleasure to work with families in supporting you with the needs of your children.
Next year my role changes slightly, where I am not in the classroom. My first time in nearly 28 years that I have not been in a classroom setting! It is going to be quite strange, but rewarding differently. Of course, I will still be working with students but now in a different capacity.
In 2025 I will be taking on the role of Mental Health in Primary School Leader as well as keeping my Learning Diversity and Deputy roles. This new role will allow me to work closely with staff, students and families in the area of Mental Health and Wellbeing and I will be well supported by the Wellbeing team which is Rebecca Beveridge and Nick Boyhan. Together we will be learning about Mental Health in Primary Schools and supporting staff and families in this area from mid-2025 onwards. In the meantime, there is a lot of learning to take place as I work with Monash University and other local schools in this area.
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very safe, happy and joyous Christmas with your families. If you are going away, enjoy the time with your families, stay safe and we will be eagerly awaiting your return to school next year. For all of the families not returning to St Joseph's next year, we wish you well in your future endeavours.
Merry Christmas!
Kind Regards