Grade 5

5LK - T4, W10

What a wonderful year Grade 5 has been. We have had lots of fun participating in different activities this year. Here are some of our favourites:


Camp was so great! We went to Camp Rumbug. We did lots of fun activities like the giant swing, flying fox, archery, canoeing, mud run, raft building and looking at the cool wildlife there too. We did an ultimate treasure hunt around the camp finding all the countries. This was done at night time so we got to use our torches which was so fun! One night we all sat down at the campfire listening to the fun stories and eating marshmallows. The food there was amazing. We had butter chicken and chocolate mousse.


Grade 5 sport was really fun this year. We had lots of fun playing games like kickball, cricket, soccer and volleyball. We played dodgeball and poison ball, run the gauntlet and Capture the Chicken. It was wonderful to hang out with all the grade 5s.


One of the best parts of being in Grade 5 was that we are given the opportunity to be big buddies to the little prep students. We had so much fun with our prep buddies. We made pictures of houses and elves, made medals, created secret handshakes and more. We can’t wait to see them all again next year and watch them grow! 


All of this combined has made it the best year ever!!


Written by Aiden, Sabah, Rory, Will and Levi of 5LK.

5MD - T4, W10

The students in 5MD were asked three questions about their year in Grade 5; enjoy reading their responses!😊


1. What is one word to describe your year in Grade 5?

Happy, special, amazing, exhilarating, unique, enthusiastic, super crazy, good, fantastic, fun and simply put, amazing!


2. What is one highlight of your year in Grade 5?

Our grade’s Morning Meetings, the wave pool at swimming, Extended Cooking, meeting new people and making new friends, going to the movies with my friends (next week!), playing with my friends, going to Chess Classes in the Tech Space and overwhelmingly, Grade 5 Camp.


3. What is one piece of advice you would give to ‘Past You’ about Grade 5?

100% GO TO CAMP! Have fun, make a lot of friends and be kind, don’t worry-just be happy, never give up and work hard, always behave and show the School Values, be prepared, always tell the truth and try your very best all the time, don’t give up, and importantly, don’t let others control your destiny.


Our year together has been a journey that we wouldn’t trade for anything; it was everything it promised to be, and yet there was so much more. 


From, the 23 students in 5MD, 2024❤️


Swimming and Leadership

By Vikraanth, Kobe and Tanish (5TW)


5TW - T4, W10



One of the fun things about Grade 5 this year is that we got to go to a free swimming program for five days. We took buses to Casey ARC. There were three different levels which were Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. We practiced key survival skills in swimming. One of the key survival skills was survival backstroke and also learned what to do if we are drowning in the water. The instructors gave us life jackets and we dived in and swam in the deep end. All of us had fun creating a big whirlpool. There was also a competition for the fastest changer and the five winners got two Mars Bars each. On the last day, as a treat, we got to go in the wave pool. First we went on little waves and then they increased in intensity as we grew more confident. We did this for about half an hour. We are very grateful for the experience given to us by the instructors.



Near the end of the year there came the important process of leadership. The process was a good experience but it was a bit emotional at times. We chose our preferred options for leadership on an online form. Everyone wrote speeches, regardless of whether they would like to be a leader or not. School Captains, Vice School Captains, Sport Captains and Vice Sport Captains were chosen first. The candidates for those roles spoke in front of their classes and our peers voted for us. Successful applicants then read their speech in front of all the Grade 4s and 5s in the gym. The final step was 20 students being interviewed by the principals!


House captains read to their houses next and the Grade 4s and 5s voted for their House leaders for 2025.


Finally, the Grade 5 teachers announced the rest of the leadership positions during an assembly. It was a long process and we learned a lot of life skills. We want to wish all our leaders of 2025 good luck as they lead the school and help keep Oatlands the amazing place it is!