I would like to say a massive thank you to all the parents and staff who volunteered their time in helping with PFA events, book club, fete and school banking over the years.  It has been a pleasure being PFA president and secretary for over a decade but as all good things come to an end, I will pass the PFA president onto another parent for 2025. 


I would like to thank Sarah Higgins, Josie Siata Faatau, Rebecca Wat and our general PFA members for all your hard work building up our committee and events over the year and especially since returning from Covid.  I wouldn't have been able to co-ordinate these events or had as much fun without you,  I appreciate all your efforts. 


I have loved being part of the committee and have made some great friends along the way while organising Mother’s Day stalls, Easter Bunny visitations, school disco, fete, colour run, book club, fete, raffles, icy poles and free dress days. 


With families supporting our PFA fundraisers, including the fete, we have raised just over $60,000 this year which will go towards improvements such as the walkways near the grade 4 and 5 portables. 


Farewell and the best of luck for the years to come.


Jess Ward  

Book Club

Book Club has arrived and been distributed to the classrooms. Thank you so much for your support throughout 2024.