
Hai semua (Hi everyone)!
Over the next couple of weeks your child/ren will be bringing home their Term 4 Indonesian booklet. Everyone has worked very hard to complete these activities to support their language learning. When you get some spare time in the holidays, ask your child to explain the booklet to you and see what they remember.
Here are some ideas to continue Indonesian language learning during the holidays:
- When watching your favourite movies, turn on Indonesian sub-titles to read Indonesian translations on the bottom of the screen. This is available on lots of streaming services;
- Play some Indonesian games from school, such as 4 Corners, or Mind Reader;
- Watch some Indonesian songs, such as Bibitsku;
- Read over past Indonesian class booklets if you still have them;
- Label items around the house with Indonesian words (you might need to use Google Translate to help); or
- Find and learn some new Indonesian words to teach Ibu next year!
If you have any questions about the Indonesian program, please don't hesitate to contact me:
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ibu (Mrs) Ally Brennan