Child Safety and Wellbeing

A Child Safe School
A Child Safe Culture
An open and transparent child safe culture is important for families and communities; a strong community provides a supportive and inclusive environment that helps children grow their social-emotional skills, feel a sense of belonging, and feel safe. This is why Ss Michael & John’s Primary School encourage and support our families to take an active role in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing by communicating and providing our community with accessible information about our child safe policies and practices as well as involving you in our approach to child safety and wellbeing.
We do this through promoting our commitment to the Child Safe Standards in the school newsletters and ensuring our child safety policies and practices are easily accessible via the school website. Our Child Safety Policy details and affirms the standards of behaviour expected for all members of the Ss Michael & John’s community.
At Ss Michael & John’s and at St Brigid's College, we pride ourselves on the close-knit community that we foster. This means our staff know every student, and their family. An important aspect of Child Safe Standard 4 is engaging with families and communities about student wellbeing. At our schools, these conversations occur through formal settings, like parent-teacher interviews, but also informal occasions. Every day our staff, including teachers, administration staff, and leadership, have conversations with the families of our students. Families are always welcome and encouraged to get in contact to discuss any concerns or provide feedback regarding matters with our schools, child safe practices, and student wellbeing. You are invited to contact Louise and Lisa, our Child Safety Officers, anytime via the Front Office or on (03) 5382 3000.