Message from our Executive Team

Dear families and community members,
Welcome to our final issue of Channels for 2024! It has been an extraordinary year where we have made some positive updates to our way of operating. We are so very proud to have led the college with all our wonderful programs, offering programs specifically designed for our students, and providing opportunities that have seen our students grow in their learning and even stretching in several areas to achieve their absolute best.
I would like to congratulate our students for their work and effort throughout the year.
This year also marks the end of our four-year strategic plan which has really shone a bright light on where we are excelling and identified some areas of focus for the next four years.
Thank you to our families for supporting our students with their schooling and allowing them to shine in their areas of interest. Participating on our whole college review earlier this term demonstrated how much our parents and carers believe in our students and want to see them succeed.
We look forward to an even bigger and better year in 2025!
Kind regards,
Marina Walsh, Jan Prior, Mitchell Coombs & Billy Barnes
The Executive Team