Learning and Teaching

Learning Space 3 Juniors
This week, LS3 students have been learning about Advent.
We have been reflecting on ways they can prepare their hearts for Jesus, such as showing kindness, helping others & spending time in prayer.
To reflect our learning, we wrote prayers and explored what advent means to me.
Learning Space 2 Juniors
During Writing time our Clinic 2 and 3 students have been creating imaginative stories and learning to use descriptive language. Rihan wrote a story about a boy named Tom and his dream. Havannah wrote about a little boy named Jack who was lonely.
Learning Space 3 Seniors
This term in LS3 our seniors have been learning about “The Parable of the Sower”. Jesus tells this story where he uses the metaphor of a farmer sowing seeds to illustrate how people receive and respond to the message of God's kingdom.
Students created their own interpretation of the parable in the form of a diorama. Firstly, showing their understanding of the parable just as Jesus had preached it to the disciples. They then personally connected with the four different environments (the pathway with birds, the rocky soil, the thorns and the good soil) with experiences in their own lives. Students worked on their collaborative skills while creating the dioramas with their partner, but also enhanced their speaking and listening skills, as they shared their knowledge and understanding with their peers and the Juniors in LS3.
Pope Francis often uses the Parable of the Sower to encourage Catholics to sow goodness and faith tirelessly, even when results are not immediately visible. He highlights, Jesus as the "Good Sower" who generously scatters the Word of God, trusting in the potential of each person's heart, despite challenges like "stones of inconstancy" or "thorns of vice."
Together we examined how the choices we make in our lives can affect how we will grow as individuals. But just like the “Sower” never stops scattering those seeds, we as individuals, hope to one day be that "seed that falls on good soil" and produces abundant fruit, with Jesus always by our side.
Reflective questions that the students in the space used to explore and connect as they immersed themselves in “The Parable of the Sower”:
- What kind of "soil" represents your current attitude toward learning and personal growth?
- How can you overcome distractions or setbacks in your studies or personal life?
- What small seeds of kindness or hard work can you sow today to benefit others and yourself in the future?
LS3 Teachers
Sarah, Melody, Tanya
The fifth graders are becoming familiar with the following aspects:
- Reviewing the safety protocols from session first and second to ensure that the students are well-acquainted with them.
- Navigate the proper approach to entering a roundabout, including the necessary actions to take when vehicles are present, ensuring that you remain safe.
- Being aware when approaching certain signs, such as Give Way and Stop signs, is essential.
The students will do the above activities in an enjoyable manner, simulating the experience of riding their bicycles on the road while prioritising safety. It is essential for the students to communicate effectively with one another, ensuring that everyone appreciates the experience of cycling. Additionally, this approach will help the students build confidence in their understanding of what to anticipate while riding their bikes.
- Going over all the previous weeks, safety, tight corners, pedestrians, give way, and stop signs.
- Reviewing the previous week safety such as navigating tight corners, the presence of pedestrians, and approaching stop signs have been addressed.
- Communication with each other and the teacher.
- Riding in pairs, and single file
This session will incorporate an enjoyable component through the inclusion of games, while also placing significant emphasis on the knowledge and skills the students have acquired thus far. It is anticipated that this approach will foster confidence in the students as riders and enhance their overall enjoyment of the session.
Lulli Barbakos
Physical Education Teacher
Next week on Friday December 13th students will have their final Bike Ed session. They will remain on school grounds completing cycling skills and simulations.
Students will need to bring their bikes and helmets to school on Friday December 13th. We remind students that if they are riding to school they need to wear their helmets and they will need to dismount their bikes and walk on school grounds.
Parents are reminded that all bikes will need to be collected Friday after school. If your child has kept their bike in the Bike Shed for the duration of the program they will need to be collected from the Bike Shed and taken home.
Divisional Swimming is early next year. As our District does not have a District Swimming competition I asked Casey Race to identify students that would be able to swim 50 metres rapidly.
Students can nominate two strokes which they would like to compete in: freestyle, backstroke, butterfly or breast stroke. Students will then need to be timed by their swimming instructor over the holidays completing 50 metres in the nominated strokes. These times will then be placed into a District document where the other 9 schools will also enter their students. Unfortunately only one student can be entered for the district for each age group and stroke. The fastest student will then have the opportunity to compete at Divisional Swimming.
If you completed the Operoo form nominating your child to be put forward for Divisional Swimming, I have sent home paperwork for your child to be timed in their nominated strokes over the holidays. I am happy for your child to be timed in all strokes and then we can work out who we put forward to the District document based on their times.
A reminder we can only enter one student from each age group, for each stroke so the fastest will be put forward. The paperwork will need to be returned to me in the office area on the first Friday in Week 1 of next year. Please ensure they have been timed swimming 50 metres as this is the required distance for Divisional Swimming.
Any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sports/Incursion Coordinator