Whole School News

Rosanna Primary Uniform Swap!
Do you have a pile of RPS uniforms you don’t know what to do with?
Would you like to swap them for different sizes or items?
The come along after school on Friday 13th December to the art room afterschool, and swap your uniforms.
How will it work?
- Bring your unneeded uniform items along. We will accept all uniform items. They don’t have to have a RPS logo.
- Uniforms must be clean, and in good condition.
- Our helpers will quality check the items and give you tokens for swapping
- one token per item donated
- 4 tokens for the specialty polar fleece jackets
- Have a look through the items and exchange your token(s) for an item(s) of uniform
- If you would like to purchase more items than you have donated, then items will be also available for sale as well.
- $5 per item (worth one token)
- $20 for the polar fleece jackets (worth 4 tokens)
- This is keeping in line with the existing prices the uniform shop charges for second hand goods
A special note: we seem to always need the larger uniform sizes (size 12 and up). If you have any of these items to swap, please bring them along. We will also take donations of these larger sizes too. So if you don’t want to participate in the swap, but want to clean out your wardrobes, then please leave them at the office.
Swapping Terms and Conditions
- Please only bring items that are in good used condition. No rips or stains and please make sure they are clean.
- Donating an item for the event does not guarantee a swap in return, although we do have vouchers for next swap if you cant find anything you need.
- Swap depends on availability of items for swapping.
- Swaps cannot be returned after the event.
- Swap tokens have no financial redemption value.
- All left over uniform items will be retained by the school for use in the second hand uniform stall.
Any Qs? You can email Jackie.arbuckle@yahoo.com.au
We hope to see you there.
Students Of The Week
Congratulations to our fantastic leaders of learning last week!
Term 4 - Week 9
Prep K - Gia D
Prep S - Oliver LK
1/2P - Sharnaya D and Shelly S
1/2K - Emirha DG and Siena W
1/2W - Ella H
1/2S - Sadie W and Florin W
2/3W - Chloe A
3/4B - Ary P
3/4R - Wren LH and Amelie B
4/5H - Gil R and Angelina L
5/6D - Louie K
House Cup
Term 4 - Week 9 Winners - Shhhhhh Its A Surprise!!!!!!