A note from Mr Jackson

A welcome back to all in our community.


A special thanks to those who watered our sustainability garden, fed and cared for our chickens and for those who ensured our oval was mown and site prepared for our return. We all continue to be grateful for many of our volunteers who support our community.


Welcome back from the Minister for Education....


I would like to extend my warm wishes to every school community across Victoria, and thank all school leaders, teachers and support staff for your enormous efforts to deliver a high standard of public education.


In support of the work you do, I have pre-recorded a short video message that speaks to parents and carers about the importance of the second school term for learning, along with a few helpful reminders.


Warm regards

The Hon. Ben Carroll MP

Deputy Premier Minister for Education


Planning for 2025!

I understand that we are only in Term 2 this year and some might find it surprising to be considering life in 2025, but we are always considering ways to respond to the needs of students with the resources we have. Over the last few weeks, teachers have been discussing changes to our class structures that may further support students in their academic, as well as social and emotional learning. One idea that has arisen has been to move towards straight classes in Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 and maintaining a composite setting from Year 3 to Year 6. 


With very strong wellbeing data indicating that we are above similar schools in 18 out of 19 student wellbeing measures, we are conscious that our structures enable an interdependent and supportive structure as they are. While we are eager to maintain such connections of students with their learning, school and each other, we are always prompted with the invitation to consider further improvements. 


As we continue discussions as to these possible future changes, we are eager for parents to have a voice. Parents can participate in this discussion in two ways. In the coming days, a survey will be made available to families inviting a response and thoughtful consideration. While this is not a simple vote, it is a chance to offer ideas and perspectives to inform the decision. The second opportunity, is to join with myself and Justine Convery in a ‘Afternoon Tea with the Principals’ on Monday 29 April. Please register your attendance so we can cater for the event at the trybooking address below.




2025 Prep Enrolments Open

A reminder that if you have a child who you wish to enrol in 2025, you are now able to register your enrolment at the office. Please don’t leave your enrolment to the last minute, but complete the information that can be sent home to you with a simple ring to Ally Stokes, our Enrolment Officer. If you know of others planning to enrol in your neighbourhood, please encourage them to send through their details as soon as possible. Prep tours continue at least weekly this term!


Hats On For a Little Longer

‘First of May, hats away’ has become the slogan in the school this week. I know a number of students have asked about when to stop wearing hats. We continue to ensure that students are wearing hats until the risk of damage from UV rays decreases. The sharing of hats is discouraged to avoid other health concerns. Students who forget their hats will continue to be encouraged to play underneath the shady tree. This has become the ‘hot spot’ for friends to gather and play quieter games, away from a busy playground. Parents may wish to send sunscreen with students attached to bags as teachers are encouraged to remind students to apply this prior to recess and lunch breaks. 


Staffing Update

A special welcome to Ms Merelina Lorenzin who will teach in 56D this term for two days a week. Her third day at Rosanna Primary will see her collaborate with the 4/5/6 Teaching Team in planning as well as support other teachers in their leadership roles. We welcome her experience and are sure that she will fit seamlessly into the area.


We are fortunate to set aside two days for Ms Nadia Tarquinio and Ms Krystal Rosbrook to work specifically with students from backgrounds where English is an additional language. These further learning experiences will complement classroom teaching across the school and provide increased access to the curriculum.


Ms Caitlin Wheeler has headed off on leave this week. We are fortunate to have Ms Shannon Mitchell teach 34T this week and next. She will be joined by newcomer to Rosanna Primary, Ms Kara Pena, who will join the 2/3/4 Teaching Team in Week 3. Both will share the responsibility of the class with Ms Pena teaching three days and Ms Mitchell teacher the other two.   


We are grateful to have Ms Zoe Papadopolous who will be present in Prep K over these initial two weeks of term 2. 


We welcome Anne Armando to the office team. She will take on the role of Business Manager for the completion of Term 2 while Kim Brydson-Dixon heads on leave. Ally Stokes will continue to support the staffing of the office full time. Thanks always goes to our dedicated team who do the remarkable!


New Student Books Purchased With Support From the Library Fund

Thanks to all who contributed to the Tax-Deductible Library Fund over the year so far. With the money contributed, over $5,000 worth of student books were purchased to support the teaching of phonics across the early years of learning. These resources provide teachers with the resources to target students’ next learning step at their point of need. Please don’t hesitate to ask for ways to contribute to the Library or Building Fund, it is a great way to express your gratitude.


Amphitheatre Renewal – Thanks FORPS


Many will see the significant works renewing the amphitheatre space outside the prep and Italian rooms in the lower playground. Working Bees have previously extended the life of this space until recently further degradation meant that it was not able to be safely used by students. The area is being redeveloped to ensure that students can use it during recess and lunch. This shaded area will also provide another learning space for classes. With the significant planting of the embankment last year, this area will become more user friendly and safer for all. 


This project has been enabled by the valuable fundraising of FORPS. The many hours and kilojoules of energy that has seen parents flip sausages, run raffles and hold the fair last year, has been used to realise this project and benefit students!


Student Pickups

We encourage all parents to ensure students are picked up by 3:45pm. There is no allocation of staff to supervise students beyond this time. If parents are unable to arrange for the collection of their child by this time then they are required to be booked into TheirCare.


Canteen Changes

A reminder that throughout Terms 2 and 3 the canteen will be closed on Mondays. Orders and over the counter purchases continue between Tuesday and Friday.


Facilities Difficulties Over the Holidays

Unfortunately, an amount of copper piping was stolen over the Easter weekend. We are in the process of restoring water to our drinking taps in the lower playground. I encourage members of our community who see anyone acting suspiciously during weekends or evenings, to report the behaviour to the police.


A heavy deluge in the second week of the holidays saw damage to a storeroom in the administration block. Fortunately, the works were detected in the second week and carpets were dried out and steam cleaned prior to the end of the first week of learning this term. Roofers have acted quickly to repair the roof and make some structural changes that we hope will prevent further water damage. 


Dates Worth Noting…

Thursday 25 April - ANZAC Day will be commemorated by our Captains as they lay a wreath at the Watsonia Cenotaph.


Friday 26 April – Curriculum Day. Students not at school on this day. You may wish to register your child’s attendance at TheirCare on this day. Teachers will join with other local schools to explore strategies to support the inclusion of students with disabilities in classrooms. 


Monday 29 April – ‘Afternoon Tea with the Principals’, exploring 2025 class structures. Bookings encouraged.


Wednesday 1 May – Respect Day. This term’s celebration of school values will focus on Respect. Students, staff and even parents are encouraged to wear green. This ‘Respect Day’ will see students gather in Prep-2 and 3-6 areas and explore the importance of respectful ways of relating to each other and the world around them. There is no cost for this day.