Wellbeing Awards

Presented at Whole School Assembly

Friday, 10th May @ 2.45pm




Albie E - FAM - For showing commitment to her learning and kindness to her classmates. Keep it up Albie!


Izzy P - FMH - For setting a great example for her peers each and every day. 


Harry I - FJR - For always trying his best and making great gains in his learning!


Jimmy E - FMK -  For his positive attitude towards learning and always trying his best in everything he does. Well done Jimmy!


Charlie K - FJC - For showing amazing resilience this week and completed some incredible writing. Well done, Charlie!


Eddie O - 1LP - For his creativity and curiosity. Eddie, you have so many amazing ideas to share during writing sessions and class discussions. Well done!


Hunter T - 1GL - For showing great kindness to a classmate by inviting them to play. Well done Hunter!


Beau P - 1AW - For showing wonderful resilience and a positive attitude towards your learning. It has been great to see you at school every day ready to learn. Well done Beau, keep it up!


Rogue C - 1JE - For his commitment to his learning and classroom behaviour. Rogue is always trying his best and being a wonderful role model to the class. 


Lachlan W - 2MS - For showing great commitment to his persuasive writing.  Well Done Lachlan. 


Harvey G - 2AG - For fantastic creative thinking and commitment to achieving his best.


Esme B - 2JM - For being a calm learner who is courteous to all.


Zahli Taylor - 2JE - Outstanding confidence when speaking in front of the class.


Harry J - 3MP - has shown a huge growth in confidence in Maths. He lights up when he learns a new concept and is quick to jump in and help his peers. Well done Harry!


Ryder T - 3NK - For demonstrating outstanding commitment to his learning and for being a positive learning buddy to his peers. Keep up the ripper work Ryder! 


Frankie P – 3PC - For being such a friendly, kind and considerate member of 3PC!


Darko M - 4RB - For always welcoming a challenge and working hard every day.


Maya B - 4LB - For showing Commitment to learning and always looking for ways to achieve outstanding results.


Sadie F - 4JH - For being a curious and committed learner across all learning tasks.


Vivienne PL - 4SE - for her growing confidence and the respect she shows towards her peers.


Jett H - 5FA - For displaying confidence and resilience on Year 5 camp.


Lola M - 5CC - For being a superstar camper and resilient during all activities. Superstar!! Awesome in the kitchen as well.


Ashley H - 5CC - For being a superstar camper and showing plenty of resilience on camp!!


Sophie V - 5CM - For demonstrating resilience and confidence on the Year 5 camp!!


Gaebriel H - 5SB - For positive growth mindset towards challenges at camp!