Boarding House

- Mr Andrew Monk

Living your dreams

Living a fulfilled life is often referred to a PERMA life. A life that encompasses:

  • Positive Emotions (P)
  • Engagement (E) 
  • Relationships (R)
  • Meaning (M)
  • Accomplishments (A)

Last weekend, I was fortunate enough to visit some boarders and students who were truly living their PERMA lives - Motocross and Moto Endura. These are very new sports to me, and before last weekend, I didn’t even know that there was a difference!


Attending the Pony Express Endura at Grassmere with over 500 competitors and triple that in attendance was nothing less than spectacular. I was overwhelmed by the sport's manic nature, but this quickly resolved, and I was awestruck by the pace, control, and endurance of these athletes. This is a sport requiring intense focus and quick judgement, the judgment that can result in a quicker time, a fall, or a higher overall place. 


A big thanks to Greg Ingham, who invited me into the pit area to see the change from Axl O’Brien to Charlie Ingham. Greg taught me about the technology involved, the nutrition required, and the talent that was on the field at the time. After this time, I watched from the spectator area and couldn’t take my eyes off the racing. The positive emotions, the engagement and focus, the building of relationships, and the accomplishments were all rolled into one fulfilling experience. I cannot wait to see more boarders in their areas of passion and interest. Well done to Charlie, Eli, Axl, and Sid.

Next Week - Start your engines!!!! A workshop with Briz.

Monday night mechanics


This coming Monday night, our resident mechanic and Speirs House MOD Brian Parfrey will be taking MacDonald House, and those who are interested will go through a basic automotive course to look after your car. Briz will show you the basics of engine maintenance, tyre checks, and changing a tyre and field any questions you may have. Lise will be with you as well, and I'm sure you'll enjoy changing the tyres! Just wondering whose car we could use as a prop!