Music News

Welcome Back Parents, Carers and Students!
We have a very exciting term in store for our wonderful bands. We will have our first competition of the year; Ryde East Music Festival, and the bands will all have the opportunity of attending an incursion from the Police Band towards the end of the term!
RPS Band Committee Meeting
Our first committee meeting for the term will be held at school on Monday 13th May at 7:30pm at The Verandah at Beecroft. We will be discussing the upcoming Music Festival and planning Term 2 & 3 band events! Please come along and get involved!!
Ryde East Music Festival
Our Training, Junior and Concert Bands are all entered into this year’s Ryde East Music Festival!
The festival is a great opportunity for primary school bands to perform for an audience.
Each band will perform two pieces and will receive feedback from the adjudicators. Based on their performance, bands will be awarded a gold, silver or bronze trophy.
Ryde East Music Festival will be taking place on Sunday 23rd June.
Police Band Incursion
A big thank you to Mel Ross for organising the Police Band to come out and run a workshop with our Concert Band on 25th June. Junior and Training Bands will be watching the workshop in the hall and after recess the Police Band will be putting on a concert for the whole school! I am sure this will be a wonderful opportunity for our kids to further develop their musical skills.
Term 2 Fees
Band parents will be receiving invoices at the end of Week 2, and payments will be due by the end of Week 5, 31st May.
Roselea Band Committee