Student Learning 


Foundation students have been very excited to be passing their M100W words. 

Classes in our amazing new art room have been lots of fun!

In maths students learnt about how many more they need to add to get to 5 and 10. They have also been learning about capacity and used different sized containers to measure water and sand.

Foundation students made an Anzac Ted for Anzac Day and talking about the meaning of Anzac Day.

In Mappen the preps learnt about sustainability and had lots of fun planting bean seeds, carrots, pumpkin seeds and potatoes.

Year 1/2

Reading: The 1/2s are developing their ability to make inferences.

Writing: the 1/2s are brainstorming ideas for characters, setting and storyline for their own fairy tale. 


Year 3/4

Year 3/4 enjoyed a math challenge where they had to show 4 different ways to solve a problem.

Our teachers have been making videos to support specific areas of learning need. Here Abby is using one of the videos for her Blitz practice.

Students have been learning the controlled r, in this activity they have the 'ir' and are creating words.

Year 5/6

In art students have created Zentangle flowers with painted value backgrounds. Some amazing pieces of artwork were completed.