A note from Mr Jackson

ANZAC Day Moments

Thanks to those student leaders and their families for gathering on ANZAC Day to lay a wreath at the Watsonia RSL cenotaph. It was an important moment to remember the impact of so many wars and commit again to seeking more peaceful and respectful ways to live. Students in a number of classes this week have taken a moment to dig deeper into understanding ANZAC Day through literature and reflection. Prep S read ‘ANZAC Ted’ to help unpack the significance of the day, an ongoing journey for us all.


Disability Inclusion Update

Parents may be aware of changes to the funding of students with disability. While previous funding has focussed on student deficit, this new model of intervention focusses on inclusion and operates from a strength based perspective. This new disability inclusion program focusses on implementing a range of adaptions for students. While this might seem new to some, it has always been a part of effective classroom practice for teachers.


On Friday 26 April teachers from Rosanna Primary, Viewbank Primary, Watsonia North Primary and Ivanhoe Primary gathered to explore ways to meet a diverse range of student needs.  Staff explored a range of scenarios for students with diverse needs, reflected on the shaping of effective Individual Education Plans and heard from Liam Twomey, an elite para triathlete.


At Rosanna Primary School, students may receive support in diverse ways that respond to the needs as students present at school. This may range from one off meetings that enact small supportive adaptions, to termly meetings with significant adaptions recorded in Individual Education Plans. Some plans focus on attendance, others on behaviour. Some plans are one off plans, while others require regular review over years. The nature and type of adaptions are sometimes part of a quality teaching practice and require no extra funding or external support. The complexity of care for students with a diverse range of needs, continue to be a focus here at Rosanna Primary.  


Embankment Progress

We are excited about the emerging amphitheatre that provides a more functional outdoor learning space for students. With support from FORPS, this area will be a central gathering place for students, particularly in the younger years. Mud rocks and retaining walls clad in mod wood, will link to other playground spaces such as the library deck, the shady tree and the lower playground. Currently, the formwork for a concrete retaining wall has been prepared and we hope to pour on Monday. Thanks to the planting already completed on the embankment last year, the area already looks more friendly and inviting for our community.


Considering Future Class Structures

Earlier in the week, parents and carers were invited to share their thoughts on the possible shift to prioritising straight classes in the early years. This is a reminder that the survey will remain open until Sunday 28 April at 12:00noon and can be found on the Compass newsfeed.  For those who wish to enter into a conversation regarding the possible changes, they are most welcome to join ‘Afternoon Tea with the Principals’.   




Drinking Fountains Installed

After some of our copper piping disappeared on the holidays, we have installed some drinking fountains provided by Yarra Water. Students have the opportunity to not only rehydrate from a bubbler, but also fill their water bottle. We hope it encourages students to continue to stay healthy and keep drinking during play periods.


Swimming Scheduling for Preps, Year 1 and Year 2 Students

Students in the Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 areas will be participating in 8 swimming sessions at Ivanhoe Aquatic Centre in Semester two. Students in Prep will visit in weeks 2 to 9 in Term 4 and the 1/2 classes are scheduled in weeks 2 to 9 in Term 3. The Swimming In Schools Initiative provides funding to support schools to fulfil the swimming and water safety requirements of Health and Physical Education in the Victorian Curriculum F-10. For this reason, the high quality lessons are significantly subsidised enabling a total cost of just $65 per student. Payment can now be paid on Qkr!. Please contact the office if you wish to pay on a payment plan. Please note, Year 2 students in 2/3W will be scheduled shortly.


Professional Practice Day 

Tuesday 28 May

On Tuesday 28 May, teachers will be participating in a Professional Practice Day. This is a day set aside for staff to focus on classroom administrative responsibilities such as report writing, assessment, as well as planning and evaluation. Students will not be attending school on this day as would be the case on a Curriculum Day.  


Attitude to School Survey (Years 4-6)

An important survey for students in Years 4 to 6 will start on 13 May.  Information regarding the content of the survey and concerning consent has been made available to parents and carers via Compass. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Community Alert Reminder

Parents and carers will note a Community Alert issued recently on Compass. I encourage any parent who is concerned about the behaviour of others on or around our site to report such incidents to the office as soon as they arise. During out of hours periods, suspicious behaviours should be directly reported to the police.


Dates Worth Considering over the Coming Days of May …

  • 1 May Respect Day (Wear Green) Students will be participating in a range of multi age activities focussing on respecting self, others and the environment.
  • 7 May – School Cross Country – Students from Years 3 through to Year 6 will head down to the Rosanna Parklands
  • 10 May - National Walk Safely to School Day
  • 10 May – Mothers’ & Special Persons’ Day Stall
  • 22 May – RPS Education Week: National Simultaneous Storytime
  • 28 May – Professional Practice Day (No Students at School)
  • 30 May – Whole School Photos