From the Principal Team

Natalie Shanahan, Sam Fleming, Claire Johnston

Welcome back for Term 2!


We have had a great start to another jam packed term ahead, filled with lots of events and activities for students. And the teachers!


Curriculum Day

Today's curriculum day provided a great opportunity for our staff to get together as the students for some valuable collaborative work exploring the revised Victorian Curriculum Mathematics. Dubbed Mathematics 2.0, the new curriculum aims to be more streamlined, allowing for teachers and students greater scope to make connections across different areas of mathematics. Teachers spent time pulling it apart, identifying similarities and differences between old and new and discussing the impacts these might have on future planning across their P-6 teams.


Teachers then worked in teams to begin mapping out the curriculum into yearly planners, allowing them to identify priorities, connections and lesson sequencing needs. With a variety of engaging maths games thrown in our teachers certainly walked away feeling more knowledgeable about how to provide high-level relevant and engaging maths programs throughout the school. Check out our 'big' mathematics learners below:



Prep 2025 Enrolments

We are now accepting enrolments for next year. Families with a child starting prep next year are able to collect an enrolment pack from the office or give the staff a ring and we can organise to send one home for you. 


Building Project Update

Our builders have been busy and we returned from to the break to new brickwork, roughed-in services, cladding preparation and wall plastering. It was exciting having a guided tour through last week and really seeing the internal spaces becoming real!


Front door
Lower level classroom space taking shape
Lower level hallway
Another lower level classroom space
Performing arts room
S.T.E.A.M room
Upper level hallway
Room with a view
Front door
Lower level classroom space taking shape
Lower level hallway
Another lower level classroom space
Performing arts room
S.T.E.A.M room
Upper level hallway
Room with a view


Prep Families Working Bee

May 4th will see the undertaking of our Prep Families Working Bee. With the two-pronged aim of connecting new families and sprucing up our grounds, we thank those Prep families that have already pledged their time, tools and green thumbs for the day. If you are a Prep family who is yet to RSVP that you are keen to join in please do so HERE.



Tuning in to Kids

From time to time our great community provides opportunities for school communities to connect and make the most of opportunities that services or events may present. We were recently contacted by Berry Street who are promoting their Tuning in to Kids parenting program for parents of children aged 3-10. Berry Street are renowned for their high quality, researched based approaches to supporting children and families so it is anticipated that the program on offer will be of great value to anyone who engages. Please see the flyer below for further information, including details on how to register if you are interested. 


Helping Kids Process Traumatic Events

Anyone switching on the news of a night, hearing it on the radio or scrolling through the online world would agree that it feels like there's been one traumatic event after another happening both near and far. We know these can be challenging for us as adults to hear, see and read about, but how do we navigate through these events with children, when it is so hard for them to be shielded from it these days? We share the following brochure from The Trauma and Grief Network with this in mind, hoping it might give you some guidance on how to support children through times like these.


Have a wonderful weekend,


Natalie, Sam and Claire.