Student Leaders Report

Hello everyone,
Welcome back to school for term two!
It’s been a steady week so far and this is what we have currently been working on. The year sixes have been working on a mystery narrative and novel study 'The boy at the back of the class'.
The year fives have been learning about angles in Mathematics and Fantasy narratives in Literacy.
The year fours are working on learning about 3D shapes and Location in Mathematics and Non-fiction text features in Reading.
In year three, students have been exploring Length in Mathematics and Persuasive writing types.
The year twos are also working on Persuasive texts in Writing and in Mathematics they are doing lots of work on Place Value.
The year ones are focusing on Place Value in Mathematics and practicing writing neatly, well-formed letters in handwriting.
Preps have made a great start learning about time in Mathematics and in Reading they have been doing text-to-self connections and predictions .
We are looking forward to the rest of the term as we have upcoming events such as:
- 3 to 6 Athletes day on May 1st
- Our school disco on Friday the 21st of June
- Anzac day on Thursday 25th April - School Captains and the JSC are representing our school
- Friday 26th April Curriculum Day (no school for students but teachers will be at school focusing on important work to improve teaching and learning)
- Mothers Day breakfast and inter-school cross country on Friday 10th of May
We hope you all have a lovely and safe weekend!
School Captains