Around the College 

Vinnies Update

As promised, here is an update on the monies raised from the casual dress/sausage sizzle fundraiser. We managed to raise $3047.00, which is a fantastic result, and the Vinnies would like to thank everyone in the Nazareth community for supporting this vital activity. The funds will go to cancer research and aid in Gaza.

Project Compassion raised $515.00, with a special mention to Mannix 4 for being the top donors 😊. This is an area we would like to improve on next year because, in a school with close to 900 students, we are well below the funds that other schools raise.


As the cooler months draw near, Vinnies and the School Leaders will focus on the Winter Appeal. Staff and students are asked to donate non-perishable items such as cereal, soups, canned food, pasta, tuna, long-life milk, etc. Consider donating items to create a meal, such as a box of cereal with a carton of long-life milk; pasta sauce and a packet of pasta. The other option is to donate items of personal hygiene. We have received a donation of many new toiletry bags, so we aim to fill these with the necessary items, such as shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. Boxes will be placed in each House's Common Area and in the Resource Centre, so students can place these at any time between now and the 6th of June. All donations will be distributed to those in need via the Noble Park SVDP Conference Group.

The Leaders plan to run a House Competition to see which House donates the most. Stay tuned for details of this.


If you have any questions, please speak to a Vinnie or me at any time.



Ms Lisa Douglass

Social Justice Coordinator

and the Vinnies




Year 8 Visual Communication Design

As part of Year 8 Visual Communication Design, students have been challenged to produce their own Superhero/Character Cityscapes to expand their knowledge of different drawing methods. To produce these unique drawings, they were introduced to the drawing method of Two-Point Perspective. This enabled the students to draw their 3D cities, close to how we would see them with our own eyes. To further enhance the cities, they were required to add superheroes or characters to tell a story in their drawings. Please take a look at the exciting work below.

Cristian Docanto Hernandez (CH2)
Arielle Wilkins (CH3)
Chloe Loizou (CH5)
Gordon Langley (MK6)
Miguel Inigo Kierulf (KN6)
Shiloh Brown (KN6)
Ryan Nguyen (MC1)
Anthony Thai (MK3)
Cristian Docanto Hernandez (CH2)
Arielle Wilkins (CH3)
Chloe Loizou (CH5)
Gordon Langley (MK6)
Miguel Inigo Kierulf (KN6)
Shiloh Brown (KN6)
Ryan Nguyen (MC1)
Anthony Thai (MK3)


Mr Rosario Ripper

Instructional Leader Visual Arts





Japanese Taiko-Drum Incursion

On Monday 29 April, the Year 7 Japanese classes became loud as they attended the 'Wadaiko' incursion, featuring the Japanese Taiko-drums. The session was led by Ms Kiyomi Calwell, an experienced Taiko drummer who has previously taught in primary schools in WA. Kiyomi now tours around Australia giving Taiko drum lessons. 

At the beginning of the session, students worked on holding the sticks or 'bachi' correctly and maintaining the correct posture. Year 7s also learned the art of making right sounds by 'bouncing' the bachi rather than hitting, developing their kinaesthetic control. By the end of the session, the Year 7 students had successfully mastered the intricate patterns, demonstrating exceptional teamwork and collaboration. Well done, Year 7s!  Special thanks to Ms Renee Brash for her assistance in setting up and packing up the venue.



Ms Yukari Nibun

Japanese Teacher






On Monday 29 April, all the Year 7 Japanese students took part in a Taiko Drum Incursion. The experience for all the students was very entertaining and interactive.  

The event took place in the school gymnasium where the students of multiple classes met. The classes were split into two groups for the occasion, and it went over both Periods 1 and 2. 

The first thing that we learnt was all the rules for the drums and what each different item was. There was the Bachi, (the sticks) and the actual Taiko Drums. We were taught a specific way to hold the Bachi and where our hands should be placed to make a better effect when they hit the drums. The Taikos were only to be hit on the tops of them and not the sides or corners. 

The leader for the day was very precise in what we were to do and was very considerate in the way that she knew we had never used a drum quite like those. The Year 7 students played on the drums as a group, copied what the leader did, and had lots of fun along the way. 

A big thank you to Nibun Sensei for organising the session! 

Annabelle Eimermacher

Year 7 MX6


The Year 7 Japanese class had experienced an incredibly great incursion. It is the Taiko Incursion. The Taiko drumming incursion was a time where we learnt a lot of skills and techniques to play the Taiko Drum. It’s a Japanese Drum that is often played in many important festivals and events. We started this experience by learning how to correctly hold the Bachi which was the wooden sticks to play the drum. It was very interesting with the techniques used to hold the Bachi. We also had to be careful to not touch the Taiko drum because anything that was man-made was a valuable item in Japanese Culture. As a class we started to play rhythms. Everyone started to get used to the position our hands had to be in. Overall it was an incredibly fun experience. I look forward to knowing more about Taiko Drums.

Jiwoo Kim

Year 7 CH4