Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Week 3 of Term 2

We are now well and truly back into school life. We are excited to be able to offer a range of learning experiences outside of the classroom. This week we have excursions to the Queen Vic Market, Pentridge Prison, the city for Geography,  a careers expos, a rock climbing camp at Mt Arapiles and the commencement of SIS Sport. We believe that all of these activities provide learning opportunities that could not be achieved in the classroom. We encourage parents/guardians/carers to have discussions with their children these different learning opportunities.

Child Safety

During the Professional Development day on the first day of Term 2, we worked through the Child Safe Standards, focussing on what we are doing for each standard and what we could do to improve for each standard. In this crucial area we are enriched by parent/guardian/carer input, and very grateful for any parental input. If you would like to have some involvement with our work on Child Safety, please contact me at the College.


In the first term and the first few weeks of Term 2 it has been very pleasing to see some significant improvement in a number of our students. We congratulate these students in their fantastic effort and achievement. As a school we endeavour for all students to gro and improve in all aspects of school life. The starting position is not important, but the growth and improvement is. We ask parents/guardians/carers to discuss with your children their goals, progress and growth. Please feel very welcome to contact any of our staff if you believe we can support you child in any way (ideas, strategies etc) that may assist the growth of your child.


We have made explicit our expectations in relation to work effort, organisation, punctuality, and uniform. We are pleased to see the majority of our students are continuing to make a very good effort in these areas. We are especially targeting organisation and utilisation of class time and, again, encourage parents/guardians/carers to talk to your children and support them in these areas.


If you become aware of any issues or information that will be able to assist us in our care for, and teaching of, your child or others in our community, please do not hesitate to call.



Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students