Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Guardians and friends of Nazareth


After my extended leave, it is wonderful to be back amongst the staff and students.  I have become a lot more sympathetic toward those who have had surgery or illness.  It was somewhat harrowing but, in the end, worthwhile.  I thank you for your best wishes and prayers during my absence.


I thank both Mr Justin Duckett and Ms Claire Nailon for taking on the Co-Principal role.  The College could not have been in better hands throughout the term.


It was an extremely busy period with camps, progress meetings and the typical day-to-day operations.  Generally, our students excelled.


On my return, I thank the student body and families for attending to how the students attire themselves and their general behaviour.  Comments indicate there has been a vast improvement.


This term, our focus continues to centre around learning. Students and staff have clear expectations when it comes to standards:

  • Our Promotion Policy;
  • Completion of set work by due dates;
  • Standard of work;
  • Non-submission of work;
  • Attendance rates;
  • Study expectations.

 These are only some of the expectations we are clearly articulating so that students are aware of the expectations.  These areas support learning and ensure that our students work to their best ability.  Information from Ms Claire Nailon, Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning, has been emailed to families supporting this.


Congratulations to our senior students for embracing our new Study Centre and maximising their study periods.  I hope that the many hours of study devoted at school will make a massive difference to the external pressures that young people endure.


Over the last week, I have had the pleasure of meeting with our local parish priests to discuss ways to link with our parishes and associated primary schools.  Two initiatives we discussed that will see the establishment of partnerships between the school and the local parish:

  1. A Sacramental Programwill be offered for students wishing to receive their sacraments.  It will be an eight (8) week course leading to the ceremony.  Mr Peter Stewart, Director of Faith and Mission, will be promoting this, especially for those students who did not receive their sacraments during lockdown periods.
  2. Looking after those in need – This initiative will be for students and families to come to Nazareth and have a cook-off in our new Food Technology facilities. This food will be boxed, labelled, frozen and then distributed to those in need within the extended parishes and the school community.  This is a joint program that our St Vinnies Team and NCCA will lead throughout the remainder of the year.

Please get involved and help make a difference. More information will be published soon.


A reminder that our Scholarships for 2025 are still open.  For any students wishing to apply, please refer to the College webpage for details.  Scholarship applications for 2025 will close on Friday 10 May 2024.  The Edutest will take place on Saturday 25 May 2024, at the College.  If you have any queries, please contact Ms Angie Palmer.


God Bless, and thank you for your support



Mr Sam Cosentino
