P & F Happenings


A huge thank you to all the Year 1 parents who planned and delivered a beautiful mothers day celebration at school on Wednesday.  I think the smiles on kids' and parents' faces alike said it all!  And well done to Year 1 on leading a beautiful liturgy – the singing and dance moves are still resonating in my ears!

Ahead of the weekend and the many forms of celebrating I am sure we are all planning I wanted to wish all the mums, grandmothers, mother figures, aunties, special females in the lives of our children a wonderful Mothers Day. 


Life doesn’t come with a manual, but it does come with a mother!   Have a wonderful weekend!





Plans are well underway for our 48th Lindfield Art Show and Fair, and we hope this year will be another successful community gathering. The LASF Team is seeking some additional support to help get the activities for the event underway. As we move through Term 2, more support will be needed to help get planning underway for various activities. If you are interested, please reach out to Olwyn for a chat.


CALL FOR SUPPORT: LASF Raffle & Sponsorship Coordinator or Team: 

Raffles and sponsorships play a major role in how we can ensure to defray the costs of hosting the Art Show and Fair, ensuring its continued success. Each year, we rely on local businesses and individuals in our community to support the successful running of our event, either through monetary contributions or donations of goods or services. We need to start to seek this support now and are looking for a person or small group of parents who are happy to work with the LASF Team to get this underway. All guidelines and support will be provided. 


Future support roles will be needed for the following activities, be sure to keep an eye on the newsletter and class WhatsApp message for details: Cocktail Party; Fair Activities; Fair Entertainment; Food Stalls; Market Stalls

We value your input and would love to hear your suggestions for this year’s event. Your ideas could make a real difference! Send your thoughts to: lindfieldartshow@gmail.com


Be sure to keep an eye on the LASF website for details as they develop and follow our Instagram page for the latest artist and fair updates!


Sneak Peek….interest from exhibiting artists is already heating up, and we are looking forward to welcoming back many returning artists as well as hosting new artists this year. Amy Raymond has kindly given us a sneak peek at a piece she will be exhibiting this year… feast your eyes on this:


Second Hand Uniform Shop

Should you wish to purchase second hand uniforms for your children, please come to the office first, collect the key, then go and choose the pieces of uniform you require for your child.  Once you have selected your uniforms you can then pay for them on the Qkr! app.  Please do not order and pay for these items first as they may not be available for you. 


See you around the playground!


Olwyn  - P&F President, 2024, and mum to Eabha (Year 3)