Parents & Friends

Dear all,
I’m definitely feeling the cold now. Are you? If you haven’t already gotten into winter I think its time.
How great was our Year 4 Cake Stall? Well done to all who helped in the afternoon. Well done especially to the little little bakers Violetta, Vihanna, Gabby, Bella, Orion, Annabel, and Teddy with their amazing serving skills. I would also like to send out a massive THANK YOU to all the parents and careers that baked after the long weekend. Great work to all of you.
As all children are now in full Winter uniform the uniform store has been opened the last few weeks, however if you have missed out just let Holly or myself know and we will be more than happy to help you.
Our Working Bee will be this Friday 3rd May so if you can help in anyway please let your class reps know. All children are welcomed under supervision. We will be hosting a Sausage Sizzle and plenty of water for everyone, even a treat for all.
Lastly don’t forget our dad’s and special person’s are hosting our Mothers Day Breakfast - Morning Tea on Friday 10th May at 7:30am on the Basketball Courts, Main Campus. We have The Coffee Mill coming with amazing coffee to purchase on the day along side of the BBQ our dads have organized some pretty awesome morning tea. Ticket prices include our Mother’s and/or special person gift and all the food. We will also have raffle tickets to buy on the day and music. Book at
If you have any items to donate for our raffle could you please drop it off at the office by Wednesday 8th May it will be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.
If any dads are free to help with this event we would love your help, you can register via this link, and Jeremy will reach out to you.
On behalf of the P&F thank you for your continuous support.