From the Leadership Team

The end to a busy term....
Term 3 has definitely been a busy one and we managed to fit so many great learning opportunities and community events in. From our first production (Alice in Wonderland), the Fathers' Day Breakfast, Festival of Music, SAPSASA, AFL Max Camp to the Book Fair, Book Week, R U OK? Day, the working bee and the disco....term 3 had it all!
During term 4, we'll be presenting our concert, Children's University participants will attend their graduation ceremony and we will farewell our year 6 students. Term 4 always flies by and we can't wait to see what it holds.
Enrolments 2025
As we are now looking at our enrolments for 2025 and working on class configurations, it's important for us to confirm any new students coming to us and any who are moving on. If you know of any new families to our community who would be looking at enrolling with us in 2025, please encourage them to make contact ASAP. School tours are available and we welcome their attendance at these.
If your family is moving on and won't be attending Para Vista PS in 2025, we would also like to hear from you ASAP so we can consider this in our student numbers. An email was sent with a Forms link a couple of weeks ago and this link is provided below. If you are unable to access the online platform, please call our Front Office instead. You don't need to notify us if your child is in year 6 and heading to high school.
All of this information supports our planning and helps us arrange timely teacher and SSO staffing, as well as class structures and learning space locations and we thank you for your help with this.
Student Photos & Safety
We know how much our families value the opportunities to take photos of their children during school events and when visiting the school and preschool. We have a number of students who are unable to have any photographs taken or have their image shared with others. So we can keep our students safe, we ask that you don't take any photos of your child where other children or adults are in the picture or the background. This is particularly important at assemblies, events and even in the learning spaces. Staff regularly take photos and videos and upload them onto Seesaw where families can access them. We thank you for understanding.
Farewell Emerly
Emerly McNamara has been working with us as an ACEO (Aboriginal Community Education Officer) and SSO for almost 3 years. She has been an important support for our Aboriginal students and families and we are going to miss having her in our community. Emerly has taken on a new opportunity at a community organisation and we wish her all the best in this role. Her last day will be Monday 14th October.
Have a great holiday break.