Hands on Learning (HoL)

Today in HoL we started off the day by cleaning up our workspace, throwing away rubbish and sweeping floors to make sure the area was nice and clean during the nearing school holidays. Afterwards, a group of HoL members went down to the Remus Way Community Garden to help shovel seven meters of granitic sand to create pathways.


The group walked there with two wheelbarrows, two shovels, and one rake. The members were there for around two hours and managed to complete half of the pathways.

The remaining group left at the school worked on completing the portable clothes rack for Remus Way Kindergarten, varnishing it by the end of the day.  We hope to receive a further restoration project from Remus Way soon. 

Before leaving the community garden, we gave a Certificate of Appreciation to the Community Garden workers also stopped at Remus Way Kindergarten to give them their own Certificate of Appreciation. 


Near the end of the day, Terence began to add a second layer of varnish to the clothes rack, with Jess and Rose continuing with de-nailing wood for the Year 9 Leader’s Zen Garden project. Noah and Michael began to lay bricks outside, and Ben continued with the toaster project.

Today in HoL we learned how to use a scroll saw, we did a test cut and started to cut out a bird shape.  We took turns where one group was using the scroll saws the other group was working in the garden putting up bird nets to cover our almond tree, mulching the garden and setting it up to grow cucumbers by putting a stand there and planting them. We also started refurbishing a bench from the kindergarten.

Today in HoL, we did our daily jobs then we started on our birds. We cut the bodies out from wood to make the body and we already had the wings cut out so we went outside to paint them first.  We painted them white so for next week we can add colour as we were waiting for them to dry, we also had to paint the worktables a new colour and a couple of us have re-furbished the kindergarten table.


Kind Regards,

Jess, HoL Team Member