From Mr Coppin

Understanding the Point of Challenge

This week our Hampshire House to Year 12 teaching staff once again had the opportunity to connect and learn with Kambala’s academic in residence Professor Ron Ritchhart.  


Ron Ritchhart, a Senior Research Associate at Harvard Project Zero, has dedicated much of his work to understanding how thinking routines can enhance learning. One of the key insights from his research is the importance of the "point of challenge"—the moment when a student encounters difficulty and must grapple with the material. It’s in these moments of struggle that the most profound and lasting learning can occur.


When children face a challenge, they are prompted to engage deeply with the content. They must think critically, make connections, and apply their knowledge in new ways. This is not just about finding the right answer but about developing the skills and mindset necessary to approach problems creatively and persistently.


Why the Point of Challenge Matters


Learning at the point of challenge is essential for several reasons:

  1. Promotes a Growth Mindset: Carol Dweck’s research on growth mindset complements Ritchhart’s ideas. When children learn to embrace challenges rather than shy away from them, they start to see their abilities as something that can be developed through effort and persistence. This mindset is crucial for lifelong learning and success.
  2. Builds Resilience: Facing challenges helps children build resilience. They learn that it’s okay to struggle, make mistakes, and even fail. What’s important is how they respond to those setbacks. Over time, they develop the confidence to tackle increasingly difficult tasks.
  3. Encourages Deep Learning: Surface-level learning might help students pass tests, but deep learning—the kind that sticks with them—happens when they are pushed to think critically and engage with the material on a deeper level. The point of challenge is where this deeper learning is most likely to occur.
  4. Develops Problem-Solving Skills: Challenges often require creative problem-solving. When children are faced with a difficult task, they learn to approach it from different angles, try new strategies, and persevere until they find a solution. These are skills that will serve them well in all areas of life.

Supporting Your Child Through Challenges


As parents, it’s natural to want to shield our children from frustration and failure. However, it’s important to recognize that these experiences are valuable learning opportunities. Here are a few ways you can support your child in learning at the point of challenge:

  1. Encourage a Positive Attitude Toward Challenges: Help your child see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Praise their effort and persistence, not just the outcome.
  2. Model Resilience: Show your child how you approach challenges in your own life. Talk about the strategies you use to overcome difficulties and the lessons you learn from them.
  3. Provide a Safe Environment for Risk-Taking: Create a home environment where it’s okay to make mistakes. Encourage your child to take academic risks, knowing that they have your support regardless of the outcome.
  4. Celebrate the Process, Not Just the Result: When your child overcomes a challenge, celebrate not just the success but the hard work and determination that led to it. This reinforces the value of learning at the point of challenge.
  5. Engage in Reflection: After your child has faced a challenge, take time to reflect on the experience with them. Ask questions like, "What did you learn from this?" or "How will you approach a similar challenge next time?" This reflection helps solidify the learning and prepares them for future challenges.



Learning at the point of challenge is not always easy, but it is incredibly rewarding. By embracing these moments and helping our children navigate them, we are not only supporting their academic growth but also fostering the development of critical life skills. As Ron Ritchhart’s work shows, it’s at these points of challenge that our children truly become thinkers, problem-solvers, and lifelong learners.


Let’s encourage our children to face challenges head-on, knowing that these are the moments when the most meaningful learning occurs. Together, we can help them build the resilience, mindset, and skills they need to thrive in school and beyond.

In Conversation with Principal, Jane Danvers and President of School Council, Ainslie van Onselen - Thursday 12 September, 2024 6.00 - 7.00pm - Harbourview Rooms

Parents and Carers of Year 5 and Year 6 Students are warmly invited to the below event.


Junior School Parent Teacher (ZOOM) Interviews 

Parent-Teacher interviews with Class and Specialist teachers will be held (over Zoom) during Week 8 of Term 3 (Monday 9 September - Thursday 12 September). Specialist teachers available for Term 3 interviews are:


Year 2- Science, PE, Art

Year 3- Science, PE, Drama

Year 4- Music, Science, Drama

Year 5- Music, French, Mandarin, Art

Year 6- Music, French, PE, Art


Interview times with your daughter’s teachers will be offered both before and after school hours. Most parents find 10 minutes sufficient time for interviews with their daughter’s Class teacher, plus 5 minutes with Specialist teachers and Maths teachers. Year 5 and 6 parents only need to book an extra Maths interview if your daughter’s Maths teacher is not her Class teacher. If you feel that more time is necessary, please contact your daughter’s teacher to arrange a convenient time and date for a longer meeting. You may request interviews at other times throughout the year by contacting teachers directly. 


How will these interviews work? 

We will continue to utilise Zoom for our interviews as feedback indicates this works best for our busy parents and carers. Parent-Teacher interview bookings can be made using our online booking system at  Once you click on the link you will be directed to the online booking system to schedule your appointment/s. Please ensure to type yours and your daughter’s names as they appear in EDUMATE and Kambala’s school records. The booking portal will be open from 4pm on Thursday 22 August and will close at 4pm on Thursday 5 September. A Parent-Teacher Booking Appointment Guide has been created to assist parents with their bookings. Please click here to access this Guide. Once you have made an appointment time, confirmation of your appointment time will appear on your screen. A confirmation will also be sent to your parent email address. If you need to amend your booking time, please do so via your confirmation email. 


On the day of your Appointment

You can access Zoom links for all teachers on your daughter’s Sundial class page. Teachers will be alerted that you are in the virtual waiting room and will admit parents to begin the appointment at the scheduled time. Every effort to keep to the schedule will be made and we encourage parents to access the Sundial class pages ahead of the scheduled meeting times to support timeliness. Please note if you are running significantly late, you will need to reschedule your appointment as teachers must follow their pre booked interview times with other families. We kindly ask that you respect our teachers’ time and notify them in advance via email if you are unable to make your scheduled appointment time. 


IT support 

Should you experience technical difficulties during the event, please access ICT support by clicking on the ICT Support tile on the Sundial homepage. While we are doing all we can to prepare for a smooth experience, we appreciate your flexibility should there be any disruptions. 

Kambala Cocktail Party - Friday 13 September 2024 - Watsons Bay Hotel, 6.30 - 11.30pm



Term 4, 2024 - Summer Uniform - Kambala Outfitters

Outfitters will be closed for the school holidays from 3.45pm Friday 27 September until 7.30am Monday 14 October 2024.


Please note that students return in Term 4 in summer uniform.  We therefore ask that you take the time to check the size of your daughter's summer uniform and arrange to place an order prior to the end of term. 

Year 3 Sport Registration for Term 4, 2024

Please click here to access all the information in regards to the Term 4 Sports Choice for Students in Year 3.


Read the letter carefully as it contains information regarding the key dates for next term.

In Term 4, the Year 3 girls will play in a Soccer competition alongside Ascham and SCEGGS Darlinghurst. All games will be held at Kambala. 


Please note that registrations are due by Thursday 12 September.