Year 10 Aspire - World of Work Program

At the beginning of the year we surveyed our Year 10 students to find out what their vocational interests were, and the types of industries that they might like to hear from. The list was quite varied and included a diverse mix of future aspirations.


Each fortnight on a Wednesday our students have heard from a variety of speakers about their career experiences and have had the opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable insights into the opportunities for employment, study or training in and around Central Australia and the wider workforce.


This has included:

Central Australian Women’s Legal Service

NT Police Force

Mechanics and Engineers

Allied Health and Remote Health NT

NT Firefighters and Paramedics

GAP students


We have also had some study sessions and time management panels and group discussions from our current Year 12’s who have held demanding leadership positions whilst maintaining consistently high grades.


As the year comes to a close, students will be exposed to Tourism, Astronomy and Sustainability as well as careers in the Sport and Recreation industry.


We hope to provide our Year 10’s with a wealth of expertise so that they have the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of any careers of interest.