Learner Diversity

Sensory tools are used to promote regulation, improve focus, and increase participation, therefore enabling students to be available for learning in class at Borinya.
Sensory tools in a classroom will be used differently by students depending on what their bodies need, when they need input, and how they choose to use the tools.
The goal of sensory tools in school is to support participation, engagement, and interactions that promote skill development and learning. Whether a student is working to develop social skills with peers, behavioral and emotional regulation, improve attention and focus, develop organisation skills, or manage classroom behaviours, sensory tools can regulate student’s regulation in order to get at these higher-level skills needed for classroom success.
Each classroom, wellbeing area, Learner Diversity area and most offices have individual sensory toolboxes here at Borinya and all student’s have access to sensory tools as part of their day to day learning programs.