Catholic Identity

Hope is having a positive outlook on events in the future and taking action to make it happen.
Hope is shaping our future. It is more than wishing and wanting.
It is identifying what we can do to bring greater joy and happiness for us and those important to us.
Peace means different things to different people.
To many, peace means no violence or war.
It means living without being frightened or worried.
Peace also means being kind to other people and living with them without fights or arguments.
Peace is something we decide to do.
Joy is a feeling, but it is also an attitude toward life.It is more than happiness, more than contentment, more than gratitude, The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.
Joy makes us feel alive and a part of the world.
The greatest gift that you can give is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance.
This Christmas let’s put Love at the top of our list of gifts to give.
Gracious God, you sent us your son Jesus to show us how to be kind, understanding, honest and true.
Open our hearts so that we may be prepared for your coming by sharing our gifts of hope, love, joy and peace with each other.
Help us to give freely of these gifts which cost us nothing but thought and effort.
We ask this prayer as a community inspired by the Catholic story.