From the 

Leader of Learning

Mrs Lynne Slater

2025 Year 8 Book Purchase

Parents can now purchase required textbook resources for Year 8 students via the Box of Books portal.


Parent Purchase Information Flyer

Year 11 RoSA grades

Students who have recently completed Year 11 can now view their RoSA grades via the studentsonline portal. You will need your NESA student number and PIN to access your account. Please do not hesitate to pop in and see Mrs Slater if you need assistance with this.

Year 12 Student Study Timetables

Over the past fortnight I have been working with Year 12 students to develop personalised study timetables. The aim is to establish a routine for regular study, students commencing Year 12 should be working towards 10 hours of weekly study.

Year 12 HSC Task 1

Our new Year 12 students are about to embark on their first HSC assessment task. Assessments commence on Thursday, 5 December and conclude Thursday, 12 December.


Year 12 Exam Timetable - all notifications will be linked to this document.


  • Year 11 reports were released last week and are available on COMPASS.
  • Year 7 reports will be released in the last week of term.

CaPA Art Showcase

Our CaPA team hosted an afternoon tea on Wednesday, 13 November to showcase artworks from Year 7, 11 and 12.