A Spotlight on Learning 

A Spotlight on Learning in the SLC on Heights Campus

In a twinkle of an eye, we have only five weeks to go before the end of the 2024 school year. There has been a buzz in the air and the Senior Learning Centre students have been busy with their learning and preparations for what is to come in the next few weeks. 


Our Year 6 students have been completing their written reflections about their primary school years and have begun practising for their graduation song. On the other hand, our Year 5 students have engaged in persuasive writing as they write their applications to be part of next year’s student leadership group. There has been a mixture of excitement and nervousness as potential leaders presented their speeches to the Years 4 and 5 students who will be in SLC next year; trying to convince their peers to vote for them.

In Reading, students have been learning to understand the choices authors make to achieve a purpose. They have developed their ability to identify the author’s purpose and the intended audience the author is targeting, using evidence in persuasive, informative and imaginative texts they read to support their thinking. Reflecting on what they have read, students have learnt to articulate the impact the different texts have on them.


In Mathematics, the focus has been on multiplicative thinking. Students have become more confident when solving multiplication and division problems involving larger numbers, fractions and decimal fractions. They have built upon their understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division, and how their quick recall of the multiplication facts will assist them to work out the related division facts. They have also used estimation to check the accuracy of their calculations. 

In Projects, students have differentiated between wants and needs as they learn about how our economy works and how entrepreneurs provide products or services to meet consumers’ demands. Besides experiencing what it is like to earn an income, pay taxes, rent and bills, and manage a budget, students collaborated in their groups to design and create a board game as a product for the JLC students. Both JLC students and teachers voted for the top 3 products in each home group. It was an amazing showcase of the students’ entrepreneurship, oral presentation skills and creativity.


Our Year 5 students also had the privilege of being invited to Westall Secondary College’s Year 5 Taster Day where they had the opportunity to connect with the high school and experience their educational approach and learning programs. They attended different electives during the excursion such as learning about sustainability, aviation, sports, visual arts, and many more.

Congratulations to all SLC students! The SLC teachers are extremely proud of how they have grown and the improvements they have shown when working towards their learning and personal goals since the start of the year. 



Mrs Camillia Beggs

SLC Learning Centre 

Leader Teacher

(Heights Campus)