News, Events and Information

Last Assembly: Thursday 9am
Good afternoon Parents and Carers, We will be holding our final Assembly for 2024 this Thursday at 9:10am, outside the gym. Parents and carers are encouraged to attend. This assembly will include:
- Year 6 Graduation dance and farewell
- Year F-6 Christmas Choir Performance
- Announcement of 2025 School Captains, House Captains, AV Team and Digital Team (badge ceremony next year)
- VHAP (high ability program) Certificates for 2024.
- Final SWPBS Token Count.
- + More!
2024 End of Year Class Parties
As we are approaching the end of the school year, we are delighted to inform our community that Foundation, Year 1/2 and 3/4 classes will be having class parties to celebrate a year of learning. The Year 5/6 students will be having an excursion instead of a class party. With so much to celebrate, this is an exciting time for our students to share some food together, play some games and reflect on the year that has passed.
When: Thursday 19th of December (Week 11)
Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm
Where: each class will host their own party within their classrooms
As part of our celebration, classes will share a meal with their peers and teacher. We invite all families to bring in a plate of food which has allergy information visible. This can include individually wrapped items, homemade treats or store-bought food. Ideally a mixture of savoury/sweet options would work well, as this will be a replacement for the students regular lunch.
Please keep in mind that we do have students who have allergies or are anaphylactic to certain products. If you have any specific questions regarding food, touch base with your child's teacher. The plates of food can be brought into school at the beginning of the school day (preferably on a disposable plate), prior to school starting. Please contact your child's teacher if you wish to drop the plate off at a later time.
Donations welcomed for the Second hand uniform shop
We are currently seeking donations for the uniform shop as stock is very low.
If you have uniform in good condition that you no longer have use for, please drop donations to the office.
We are low on the following items
- Long & short sleaved polos
- all sizes Grade 5/6 sports polos
- all sizes Girls dresses (winter or summer)
- all sizes Jumpers & jackets (new style only – no bomber jackets please)
- all sizes Navy shorts, tracksuit pants, skorts and leggings small sizes to 10
Thank you, Admin