Principal's Desk

It is hard to believe how quickly 2024 has flown by and how much students, staff and our community have achieved throughout the year. I have been incredibly proud to have lead Warrandyte since June 2022 and seen some incredible changes and transfomations during those two and a half years. Though it is with some saddness that I am writing this, my last newsletter as the Principal of Warrandyte High School, I also write with incredible happiness and pride that I am leaving our wonderful school in such a bright position for continued future progress.
Term 4 has seen some great student achievements - with our Year 12 students completing their final year of schooling, our Year 9-11 students completing exams, and our Year 7/8 students completing important assessments. Underpinning their hard work has been the safe, calm and orderly classroom environment that has been well established since the start of 2024 with our 'WHS High Expectations'. I congratulate all of the WHS students for the ways in which they have worked hard to improve behaviour in the classroom - it has made such a significant difference to the school. Outisde of the classroom, our school continued to flourish throughout Term 4 - as you are able to read in the remainder of this edition of the Gang Gang. Whether it is through our Trails of Discovery Program, our Sports or Arts Program or the extensive elective program we offer, our students always have the opportunity to demonstrate success in a range of ways.
I would like to take this opportunity to also wish the following staff the very best of luck as they depart Warrandyte High School for the next chapter in their own journeys:
Ms Burton
Ms Vingerhoets
Ms Nayanatara
Mr Newton
Mr Sinn
Mr Sunjo (will be on Long Service Leave in Term 1 in 2025, then retiring)
Mrs Gear (will be on Long Service Leave in Term 1 in 2025, then retiring)
As you are also aware, I will not be returning as the Principal of Warrandyte High School in 2025. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of our wonderful community - the students, staff, parents/carers and the wider Warrandyte community members who have all made me feel extremely welcomed and valued during my time here. I will be moving on as the newly appointed Prinicpal at Upwey High School from Term 1 - but I will never forget my time at WHS - it has been nothing but a pleasure and I have learnt so much - that I will take with me for the rest of my life. Mr. Luke Ventieri will be stepping in as the Acting Principal of Warrandyte High for Semester 1 - I am sure you will all warmly welcome him, just as you welcomed me when I first started.
Good luck for a wonderful 2025 everyone.
Rachel Lynch