5/6 WG

Italian Day
On Monday we celebrated Italian Day! There were so many fun and engaging activities that the students got to explore! Students participated in rotations where they got to make an Italian flag biscuit/play UNO, Soccer, Bocce, and Fairy Floss/Tombola (bingo). Students were also very lucky to enjoy some Gelato! It was a really fabulous day, thank you Miss Kelly!
Grade 6 Transition Session
On Tuesday we had the Frankston Youth Services come to our school to deliver a presentation on transitioning to high school.
Today the Frankston Youth service came in to help teach us some things about high school that we might need for year 7. While they were here we learnt strategies to help us with bullying or cyberbullying. They also taught us ways to make new friends, keep on top of homework and how to open locks for the lockers that we would get in high school. It was a very helpful and amazing experience that I would highly recommend if you are nervous about going to high school.
By Lexi and Anastasia
In our inquiry unit this term, students have learnt about the different types of adaptations that animals need in order to survive in their environment. Students chose an animal and researched about these adaptations and created a google slide to present their information. Next students will create a new habitat for their chosen animal and explain why this habitat would be best suited to their animal.
Congratulations to the students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation! We are really proud of the way you prepared and conducted yourselves on the day! Well done!
We hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Mr Will & Miss Georgia