Parents & Friends

Upcoming events and more from the P&F

P&F Update

A Message from the President

First, a BIG thank you to all the members of the 2024 committee – WE MADE IT!

Another BIG thank you to Duncan and the staff at Holy Spirit for their support over the year

as well.


2024 has seen the return of the Prep Welcome Morning Tea, Colour Run, Dad & Mum’s

nights, Mother’s and Father’s Day Stalls, Food Days, Trivia Night, Grandparents Day, the Book Fair, Crazy Camel artwork, Icy Pole Fridays, Book Club, Uniform Shop and the Introduction of Italian Day – just to name a few!


Again, we could not have done any of this without the help of you, the amazing volunteers

around us. 


Our fundraising total for 2024 is still being finalised, however we are thrilled to announce that we have raised approx. $26,000! This year the P&F contributed $40,000 to the Ninja playground implementation, $7,000 to new playground line markings (coming early 2025) and $1,500 to new Lego sets for the Lego Club, as well as contributing to various other initiatives at Holy Spirit. We also made three charitable donations to Vinnie’s Christmas hampers, Teacher Presence and the Winter Shelter.


I am looking forward to next year as we welcome new committee members and work towards new goals for Holy Spirit; stay tuned for announcements early in 2025!


Kat Di Rago

P&F President


P&F 2025 Committee Members

At our AGM last week, the following people were voted in as P&F members for 2024.


President                                                                     Kat Di Rago

Vice President                                                            (VACANT)

Treasurer                                                                    Andrew Meissner

Secretary                                                                    Sally Wilkinson

Social Media Coordinator                                           Nikki Tucci

Social Events Coordinator                                        Carli Centrella

Fundraising Coordinator                    

Kathy Trajkovski

Food Day Coordinator                                                Nora Thomson

Mother’s Day / Fathers’ Day Stall Coordinator Karen Costello-Manning 

Uniform Sales Coordinator                                         

Nicole Bruges

Icy Pole Coordinator                                                   Shannon O’Reily & Kathy Trajkovski

Scholastic Book Club Coordinator                              

Sarah Scott

Fete Liaison Representative                                       

Nicole Bruges


Thank you so much to everyone who accepted a role on the 2025 P&F Committee and thank you to our retiring members; Sabine Tosca, Amanda Kenney, Lauren Cefai, Theresa Barry and Emily Woodhams for your combined 30+ years of service!

Vacant role: Vice President

We are still searching for a person to take on the role of Vice President on the Committee for 2025. The main responsibility for this role is to stand in for the President if required, as well as write the content for the fortnightly newsletter. If you would like to know more, please reach out to Kat Di Rago and prepare to be bribed with wine and/or chocolates if required! 


Last Icy Pole Day Fri 13 December

Our final icy pole day for the year will be on Friday 13 December on the front lawn from 3.20pm. (No icy poles this Friday due to school closure day). $1 for a Zooper Dooper, cash only and correct change if possible. We would also appreciate any volunteers to help run the stall once or twice on a Friday in Term 1 next year. It’s an easy job, and only takes about 45mins. Contact Shannon O’Reily or any of the P&F members for more information.



Last Second-Hand Uniform Shop for the Year – Tuesday 10 December

You asked and we have answered! We will hold one final Second-Hand Uniform Shop session on Tuesday 10 December 2.50pm-3.20pm in the P&F room. Most items are only $2 and cash or card are accepted.


We are also desperate for donations, particularly of navy bottoms, PE tops and coloured polos. If your family is finishing up at Holy Spirit, please consider donating your uniform items after school has finished for the year. You can drop these in the red bin outside the P&F room at any time.


Remember; from Term 1 next year, students can no longer wear white polo tops or grey shorts, they must wear navy shorts, trousers or skorts with the coloured polo top (or dresses). We appreciate the support from parents during the two year changeover period from our old school uniform.

Teacher Presence

Teacher Presence is not-for-profit charity founded by Holy Spirit teacher Andy McKellar. Its mission is spread the importance of empathy and gratitude through the gift of giving. They do this by helping redirect money that would otherwise be used for the optional end of year teacher gifts from families. This allows us to lead by example and show our students the impact of giving to others in need. Please view the videos linked here to learn more about Teacher Presence. 


You can check on the website to see if your class teacher has registered with Teacher Presence. Thanks for supporting this wonderful initiative. 

Save the Date: Fri 14 March 2025, Movie Night is back!

We are so excited to announce that the much-loved Open Air Cinema will be back at Holy Spirit in 2025! Please put Friday 14 March in your calendars and stay tuned for more details after the holidays.

Crazy Camel Fundraiser

Your products will be arriving at school any day now. We will let you know as they are here! 

Diary dates

  • Icy Poles – Fri 13 December 
  • Teacher Appreciation Day – 6 Dec (donation list full – thank you!)
  • LAST Second-Hand Uniform Shop for 2024 – 10 Dec, 2.50-3.20pm 
  • Prep Parent Welcome Morning Tea – 3 Feb
  • Cookie Dough Fundraiser – 10-28 Feb