Class 3/4 with Kim
This week 3/4 shared some findings with us from their Inquiry Project. Over the past couple of weeks students have been researching where different foods and fibres come from and the processes that are used so that we can eat or use it.
Students were able to choose a product that spiked their interest and researched it, guided by several questions they needed to address.
On their posters, students were required to include a centred title, decide on one consistant font and size, use text boxes in Word to type their findings into, choose a colour theme that related to the product on the poster, frame the text with coloured card and arrange the layout neatly on the backing card.
As part of this process, students also completed a self-assessment and, once the project was completed, reflected on what they found challenging, what they had learned and what they were proud of.
Thank you to our assembly hosts Eli, Jasper, Bella, and Saanvi .
Term 4, 2024
Friday 22nd November - Class 4/5 will be presenting
Friday 29th November - NO ASSEMBLY
Friday 6th December - Class 5/6 will be presenting
Achievement Awards
Maths Awards
Family and friends are welcome to attend our assemblies on Monday in our undercover area and Fridays in our newly constructed multi-purpose building (opp the new office space/BER building).
If you are unwell, please refrain from attending.