Wellbeing Awards

Presented to Foundation - Year 5 Students at School Assembly

Friday, 15th of November @ 2.45pm



Toby M - FJR - For showing great creativity in his writing and always trying his best.


Tom Buckingham - FMH - For having a growth mindset and always wanting to find the answers to problems. 


Emily G - FAM - For showing commitment to her learning and always having a go, no matter how hard the task is. Keep up the great work Emily!


Jordan R - FMK - For growing in confidence when sharing his work in class.  Amazing effort!


Isabelle K - FJC - For always being so kind and caring. You cheer everyone up with your smile and always help your friends. Well done, Isabelle!


Ivy A -1LP - For having a wonderful attitude towards her learning. Ivy you tackle all tasks with a growth mindset, determination and smile.  Keep up the great work!


Knox H - 1AW - For being an all round superstar! You are kind and compassionate towards your peers and always put your best effort into every learning task. Well done Knox!


Rosie F - 1GL - For trying her hardest to improve all areas of her learning. Well done Rosie!


Audrey H-H - 1JE - Thank you, Audrey, for always showing kindness and consideration to everyone in 1JE. You are truly wonderful!


Jeronimo D - 2AG - For fantastic creativity and growth mindset with his writing!


Ivy B - 2JM - For making a fantastic start to the new term in 2JM.


Georgia F - 2MS - For always having a positive attitude and showing resilience in her learning.


Piper M - 2JE - For outstanding commitment to learning.


Noah B - 3NK - For always striving to complete tasks to the best of his ability and for being a positive role model to his peers. Your loyalty, honesty and kindness is admirable!! 


Banjo W - 3PC - For the wellbeing award this time round - for being empathetic, kind, and inclusive towards his peers. 


Olivia H - 3MP - For being a wonderful role model to her peers.


Charlie-Rose N - 4RB - For always being a wonderful helper and setting an excellent example to others.


Evelyn K - 4SE - For her determination and growth mindset during mathematics.


Lexi - 4JH - For her kindness and compassion towards her OGPS community.


Eliza P - 4LB - For consistently being willing to have a go and demonstrating resilience.


Daisy L - 5SB - For being a Kindness Super Star! She's always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates and shows genuine care for everyone around her.


Primrose H - 5CC - For always giving her best efforts in class.


Tommy G - 5CC - For demonstrating resilience and having a positive attitude. 


Xander N- 5CM - for always showing respect and kindness to his teachers and peers. A wonderful role model for the Year 5 cohort.


Chloe B - 5FA - For always being a good friend and buddy. Well done Chloe.