Mental Health and Wellbeing 

Stress, Worry, or Anxiety?


Dear Families, 


What are some of the differences between stress, worry and anxiety? I often think about this and these emotions. We all know that these emotions are a normal part of life, but what can we do if we start to become overwhelmed with any of these emotions? 


I often experience these emotions throughout the week, or even the day. Although these are unwanted emotions at the time, I know that they can be helpful. I sometimes wonder about the benefits of these experiences. How are they helping me? What are they telling me? Is there something that I need to practise? Is there some imminent danger that I need to avoid?


Kids Helpline have a handy poster about these emotions that may be of assistance to help facilitate a discussion at home if ever your child is experiencing one of these emotions. I hope that it is useful for your family. 



In Kindness, 

Andy McNeilly