Principal Message

Dear families, 


Working Bee: It was a big day on Sunday at the working bee! Staff, students, and families put in a massive amount of work, time, and care into the garden area. A special thank you to those staff members who were able to volunteer - Jo & Seb E, Jade Mc and Kristy H-C. The area is coming along well, and we look forward to seeing the fruit and veggies come to life.


The Gordon: The planters were in on Monday to prepare our Yarning Circle area for planting on Thursday. It will be a fantastic space when planted out and operational. The Gordon have done a wonderful job, and we look forward to collaborating with them on more projects in our school in 2025.


Year 1 Day Camp: What a wonderful day last Thursday - the Year One Day Camp. Perfect weather, great activities, and a day of local enjoyment for the students. Thank you to the Year One team for coordinating such an awesome day of fun activities for the students.


Art Show: The annual Art Show is this Friday. Andrea and Jo have been working hard to provide our community with this special event. Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate the Arts and see how talented the kids are – and on display in a real gallery! Thanks to The Hive Gallery for hosting us again. A great ongoing relationship within the community that we value. The Lions Club will also be firing up the BBQ and as usual, the artwork can be purchased on the night.


2024 Yearbook: The 2024 Yearbook is now available to order on FlexiSchools. The cost will be $23. We would like to thank all the students and staff who contributed their time and creativity and of course a special shout out to our wonderful yearbook co-ordinators Jess Chadwick and Bec Bradbury. 


Furniture: Contemporary furniture for 2025 Foundation and Year One classes arrived on Tuesday. Thank you to the Year 6 team for providing support on this day by helping move the old and bring in the new. We invite our families to please take a piece or two, of the older furniture that is currently located near the toilet block, under the breezeway. The remaining furniture will be donated to schools overseas. 


Emergency Procedures: Each term we enact various drills to ensure we are safe in the event of an emergency. We practiced a lock down drill today and I wish to commend the students on their cooperation and responsiveness and to the staff for guiding them in the drill. 


School Socks: The school socks are here! We have had expressions of interest for over 230 pairs of socks. I will be working with the students in the Student Voice Committee (SVC) to deliver the socks. Payments can be made via the office – over the phone, cash, or EFT. Payments can be made from today onwards. Socks are $15 per pair.

Remembrance Day: On Monday 11th November our Year 5 & 6 students participated in the local Remembrance Day ceremony in the park. Buddy and Gil were directly involved in the ceremony, reading Flander’s Field while many Year 6 students laid a poppy in respect for those who have served and are serving to protect our country. We have had so many nice comments about our school attending and how respectful the students were and how positively the teachers interacted with students. Well done to all involved. 


Uniform: We’ve recently seen an increase in lost items and would like to remind all families to ensure that their child’s uniform is clearly labelled with their name. This helps us quickly return any misplaced items to their owner. If your child has lost any belongings, please check the lost property basket in the Foundation/Art hallway. As always, we would like to thank our wonderful parent volunteers who regularly sort and wash the lost property, and also to Jenny in the office for ensuring that named items are returned to students. It is very much appreciated. 


Have a fantastic week everyone and don’t forget your broadbrimmed SunSmart hats and sunscreen as the weather warms up!


Scott McCumber 
