Message from our Principal

Year 12 Graduation
The BSC 2024 Graduation was held on Tuesday 15 October at Moonee Valley Racecourse Celebration Room. It proved to be a wonderful night, with students, staff, family and friends celebrating the achievements of our 2024 graduates.
This event followed a really positive Graduation assembly where the Year 12 students were acknowledged by the student body. BSC is so proud of this cohort, noting their dedication to learning and their community, as well astheir significant individual and group achievements.
Student Leadership
The process of electing the 2025 School Captains was undertaken at the end of Term 3. For the first time we are having two School Captains and two Vice Captains – a new initiative suggested by 2024 School Captains, Harry Lalor and Tameka Brown.
Congratulations to Harper Hopkins and Campbell Brain who were elected 2025 School Captains, and to Lucinda Hart and Marco Holmes who are the 2025 Vice Captains. We wish them every success in the year ahead. The process of filling other 2025 SRC positions is now underway.
SRC Fundraising
Another highlight at the whole-school assembly was the presentation of a fundraising cheque to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, the charity nominated at the beginning of the school year to benefit from our 2025 fundraising events.
David Lawrence, an ILF ambassador, spoke at the assembly, thanking the SRC Leadership group, students and families for their phenomenal fundraising efforts throughout the year and explained how these funds will support the valuable work of the ILF - and consequently have real impact on indigenous communities.
A measure of how much the charity appreciates and values BSC's fundraising efforts, the ILF were very keen to have an ambassador attend the assembly to personally thank the BSC community. This touch was really appreciated by all staff and students, and it was gratifying to be recognised for our ongoing commitment to preservation of the cultures and languages of Australia's first peoples.
Acting Assistant Principal
Anne Siciliano has been appointed Assistant Principal (Teaching and Learning), joining the Principal Team this term.
Anne brings her expertise in teaching English as an Additional Language and Italian to this role as well as valuable experience in the roles of Head of Learning (EAL) and Learning Specialist (Inclusion).
The Man Cave Program
BSC are excited to announce that the school has entered a partnership with The Man Cave, Australia’s leading preventative mental health and emotional literacy charity for teenage boys and their communities.
The Man Cave program is specifically directed toward young men, however additional funding has been committed to fund a sister organisation providing a similar program for our female cohort in 2025.
World Teacher’s Day
The BSC Parents' Association kindly funded and catered a lunch for all staff on Friday October 25.
Celebrating World Teachers’ Day, Allison Berry and Mel Pagliaro (Parents' Association) decorated the staff lunchroom and welcomed us all with huge smiles and a delicious feast. Staff deeply appreciate the effort invested inthe initiative and extend their heartfelt thanks to the BSC PA and all those involved.