What's happening in our learning spaces?

| Archie - For his enthusiasm and outstanding efforts during writing this week. You have produced wonderful and creative Narratives. Keep up the great work! Awesome Archie. Mikayla -For your amazing learning in our Maths lessons this week. You have displayed excellent problem solving skills when creating colour and object patterns. Well done. Marvellous Mikayla! |
| Samuel -For your detailed narrative about an orange fox and a long snake, in a big, dark, spooky forest! Your use of adjectives was spectacular. Well done Samuel! Isaiah -For the care and effort you have been putting into your learning this week. Keep it up Isaiah! |
| Adam -For being a super mathematician when preparing your fraction station. Your mystery fraction was very challenging! Amazing Adam! Hugo -For demonstrating the qualities of a wonderful friend. You always show your peers empathy, kindness and offer a helping hand. Amazing Hugo! |
| Benjamin -For always displaying our class values of: kindness, loving, welcoming, respect and having fun. You light up the room with your warm smiles everyday - bubbly and bright, Benjamin! Elliot -For always being considerate of other people’s feelings. Your compassion and understanding is a strength. Never ever change, Empathetic Elliot! |
1/2VK | Angelica -For your fantastic work with fractions, you have shown your ability to solve and record different fractions. Well done, superstar! |
| Rafael -For being a curious and persistent mathematical thinker. You have demonstrated exceptional skills when solving fraction problems. Remarkable Rafael! |
| Ava -For her wonderful one hundred word writing and her continued growth as an author. Keep up the great work, Ava! Florence -For her fabulous fractions work and her excellent efforts with all her learning. Fantastic work, Florence! |
| Scarlett -For your clever climate change artwork and your fantastic catchphrase - 'Every drop counts!'- superb work, Scarlett! |
| Anthony -For your dedication and effort you displayed this week and last week in all areas. You continue to step up and be the leader you are. Well done Anthony! |
It has been another exciting week in Foundation with lots of amazing learning!
As readers and writers, we have been learning about fiction texts. We know that fiction texts are made up stories, created for us to enjoy! We have been listening to different stories, such as Pig the Pug, King Pig and The Very Itchy Bear, and identifying the characters, setting, problem and solution. We have also been looking for adjectives and interesting words in these stories. We discovered that you can describe a character's appearance, personality and feelings, and how a setting looks, sounds and smells. We then built on our understanding by using the Colourful Semantics cards, ‘Who’, ‘When’ and ‘Where’, to generate a bank of story settings and unique characters to use when writing.
As thinkers, we also brainstormed some sentence starters and explored the different ways we can start our stories. We planned and wrote a Narrative as a class, before writing our own! We used our class brainstorms to select our characters and settings and considered interesting and exciting problems for our characters to encounter. We had characters that were lost, stuck, sick, left behind by friends and we even had some stories about their teachers being cheeky! Check out some of our writing below!
This week, we tuned in to All Saints Day. As communicators, we discussed what a Saint is and shared our prior knowledge. We know about lots of different Saints, such as St Fidelis, Virgin Mary and Mary Mackillop. We discovered that Saints are not only really good people that dedicate their lives to making kind and positive choices, but they are also faithful to God. As researchers, we began exploring Mother Teresa through different photos, videos and non-fiction texts. Next week we will sort our thinking and write about all of our discoveries.
Don’t forget about these important dates…
- School Athletics Day- Friday 22nd November
- Foundation & Year 5/6 Parish Mass- Tuesday 26th November
- Christmas Carols and Christmas Picnic- Thursday 12th December
On Friday it was FAM’s first Whole School Prayer. What an amazing effort from all of them- they did a wonderful job!
Enjoy the week ahead.
Alycia Marsico and Louisa Dillon,
Foundation Team
Wow! How is it already week 7? We have only a few weeks left and are gearing up for a busy remainder of Term. This week definitely had us feeling super busy with the Art Show, our Celebration of Learning, Remembrance Day service and the opening of the 1/2’s Community Library.
As readers and writers, we have been exploring homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spelling. For example: hear + here. Here are some more examples. You can continue consolidating these at home by writing word lists, creating a memory card game, placing words into sentences orally or in writing or even identifying these words in texts.
To commemorate Remembrance Day on Monday, we collaborated in small groups to learn more about this significant day. On iPads, we scanned different QR codes to engage in different learning experiences, we watched a video that taught us many new facts, read a picture story about the history of the poppy flower, and listened to ‘The Last Post’ to reflect on the sacrifices made by our country's brave men and women. As a whole school community, we attended the Remembrance Day assembly, and together, we observed a minute of silence.
As mathematicians, this week, we welcomed our families into our learning spaces to see what we have been learning about during Maths this term by participating in a Fraction Museum. The students collaborated in small groups to prepare their very own Fraction Station. They used various materials to represent different fractions of a shape and a collection. The children included a Mystery Fraction to get people to think before checking their answers. Upon arrival, each family collected a clipboard and a fraction checklist, and off they went, searching for all types of fractions. It was a challenge, but we were so proud of the efforts everyone had put into completing their fraction hunt. We would like to thank everyone for participating in this fun and exciting maths experience with us!
Throughout our Inquiry unit this term, we have explored the concepts of global citizenship, how we can work together to help others in our community and the importance of trying to make a difference in others' lives.
As collaborators and contributors, the 1/2‘s responded to a call for action from our mischievous stick insects to help others in the community. The students came together to create an action plan to help the community. So, they decided to build a Community Library for the St. Fidelis Community to enjoy. We thank all the families who have supported the students in their mission to bring books to everyone.
Lastly, a big thank you to everyone who attended the Art Show, it is wonderful to come together as a community to showcase and share our art pieces. A big thank you toMr Frazzetto and Mrs Gasbarro for all of their hard work to set this up.
We would like to welcome Mr Sebastian Frazzetto into our learning community. Mr Sebastian is completing his first teaching round with 1/2VB and he is looking forward to this experience with us.
1/2 Team
Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis & Vivian Boggis
As a school community, we gathered on Monday at 11am to pay our respects to Remembrance Day. Prior to this, the students engaged in a thinking routine See Think Wonder Feel on an artwork by Bob Marchant, depicting the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Australian War Memorial in 2001. We activated our prior knowledge to engage in this learning opportunity.
As resilient learners, we celebrated World Kindness Day on Wednesday. On this day (and everyday), we encourage ourselves and others to practise kindness. We understand the importance of empathy and cooperation to create a more harmonious and caring world.
“It is important to show kindness because you can create a better world and you can brighten the worlds of others” - Darius
“It is important to show kindness because you can put smiles on people’s faces and make them happy.” - Hannah
“It is important to show kindness because everyone is human and should have respect for everyone everyday.” - Jeevan
“It is important to show kindness because it’s good to have friends and be kind to them to create a better place.” - Alexander
“It is important to show kindness because it makes everyone feel accepted and welcomed. We should encourage kindness and be fair to everyone.” - Veronica
As athletes, we participated in our second cricket clinic and engaged in various activities to support us in bowling. We learnt how to correctly hold a cricket ball and aim for various targets. We even played a mini game of cricket in groups of 5. We had a blast!
Have a lovely week!
Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan
The Year 5/6 students got creative as they entered the 'Going Further' phase of our inquiry. They planned and drafted art pieces aimed at raising awareness about how to keep our world beautiful and sustainable for future generations. The children produced amazing artworks that explore ideas related to environmental preservation. We hope you enjoyed seeing these art pieces in the Art show on Thursday.
Children have also been researching their topics for their debate in their teams - the debating morning will occur on Thursday 23rd November, we invite any parents who have a current working with children check to join us this morning and help us adjudicate. This will occur between 11:40 - 1:40.
REMINDER - 2025 School Leaders Process:
As we draw closer to the end of the year, our Year 5 students begin to look towards their final year of primary school and with that begin to put forth their desire to become a school leader for 2025. The following outlines the process for students and parents in regards to applying for a role.
Students have been given a preference form that includes the leadership roles and are asked to write their preference of role from 1-5. It also includes a few questions for students to answer. We ask that students complete this form at home and please return it to their teacher by week 7.
Students are also asked to write a short speech that will be delivered to their peers, teachers and our school leaders, Mrs Watson, Ms Pirrotta and Ms Gasbarro. We are providing time during our Literacy sessions for students to work on their speeches or alternatively these can be done at home. We encourage our students to consult with their parents and practise their speeches at home. They can use their responses to the questions on the preference form to support them in creating their speech.
Speeches typically include:
- Why a student believes they would make a positive school leader
- What they would like to contribute to the role of school leader
- How they will be a role model to other students in our school community.
- What characteristics and skills the student possesses that would make them a strong leader.
Students will present their speeches on Monday the 2nd of December (week 9) with the leaders announced in the final week of term.
Please note: Any students who will be absent on this day can film their video and send it to their classroom teacher to be played/presented on the day for their peers.
Important Dates:
- 22/11/24 - Whole School Athletics Day
- 27/11/24 - Maths Games Day
- 4/12/24 - Year 6 End of Year Excursion
- 6/12/24 - Year 6 Graduation Night
- 12/12/24- Family Xmas Carols
Have a wonderful week,
5/6 Team
Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut