Parent Information

Preparing for 2025
Earlier this week, current families in Foundation to Year 5 would have received the 'Preparing for 2025' Booklet, if you haven't seen this email, please check your junk/spam folder. The booklet contains information about stationery, uniform, medical requirements, fee collection, and other necessary school information that will support a smooth transition for 2025.
Student Stationery 2025
In the newsletter last week we shared details for ordering student stationery for 2025. After receiving helpful feedback, we would like to clarify the following from Campion;
Student stationery will need to be ordered, by parents, through Campion Education.
- Home delivery is only offered for online orders. Please note, they charge $8.95 per child for this service.
- To save on delivery fees you can choose to go into the Campion store. Orders must be placed instore for pick up, you will not be able to pick up orders completed online. Once you have ordered instore you pick it up on the spot. Campion are located at 29 O G Road Klemzig.
Please read the attached instructions from Campion, go to their website, and follow the steps;
For any ordering issues, please contact Campion directly on 08 8337 4544.
Thank you!
Curiosity ELC Blessing Service
Dear families,
We are looking forward to the Blessing Service in Week 7 for the Graduation of our Orange and Blue teams. Please feel free to share the invitation with your special people like grandparents, aunties and uncles, who may like to come and share in this special event with you.
From the Curiosity Team
Assembly Acknowledgements
At each assembly we acknowledge students who have demonstrated the school values.
Congratulations to these students for the way that they have shown Love, Optimism and Creativity in our community - Erona, Ollie, and Levi.
2025 Year 6 Commemorative Top Printing
Order now on QKR
Year 5 students have until the 28th of November to finalise their 2025 commemorative print polo’s and or jumpers on QKR. Please select Commemorative Print under Uniform Shop.
All orders will be kept in the uniform shop for printing and can be collected in January – if you are not sure on size, please visit the uniform shop for assistance or email
Lutheran Care 12 Days of Giving
Thank you for your continuing generosity! The love and care that you are showing will make a difference to families in need at Christmas time.
Please remember that while Lutheran Care are listing 12 different items to be collected over the 12 Days of Giving, we understand that some families may not be able to stretch their budget this far and we are grateful for any donations you are able to give. We look forward to the front office being filled with Christmas Hamper donations.
Next week (Week 7) we are looking for:
Monday - Cans of spaghetti or baked beans
Wednesday - Cartons of long-life milk
Friday - Boxes of cereal
Spin Camp
Do you like camping and sharing time with other people who like to have fun? Here’s an idea! SPIN is a four-day, three-night, statewide camp in January (14th -17th) for young people in years 4-6 (in 2024) to experience an inclusive and encouraging community and grow in relationship with Jesus and others.
This year’s theme is ‘Out of this World’. Significant sponsorship is offered to first time campers by the LLL (You just pay $50). For those who have attended this camp before, Good Shepherd church offers a subsidy, just ask Georgie. The camp is held at Camp Kedron, Barmera (Riverland SA). For more information, contact Georgie here, or head to SPIN to register.
Caring Conversations
Yesterday’s Worship focussed on the Christmas songs that you might be hearing around the place. What is your favourite Christmas carol or song and why? Here are some more conversation starters for your family and friends!